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Sydney's POV

"Mom, come on, we're gonna be late!" I stared at myself in the mirror, trying to figure out why I convinced myself to come to Hawaii. "Mom!" Miley walked into the room.

"I'm ready. Just preparing myself mentally."

"Still nervous? Amelia's a sweetheart. You'll love her."

I turned to my daughter, forcing a smile. "Everyone loves me. I'm not worried about that."

"What are you thinking about then?"

I placed a pair of sunglasses over my eyes, possibly to hide my fear. "Nothing. Let's go?"

"Yes. You always take your sweet time." Miley led me to the door. "Just remember, Dad really loves her, so we love her too. Okay?"

"I don't need to love her."

"You at least need to like her. Doesn't Dad deserve happiness?"

We walked towards the elevator, as I wondered why I was getting a severe lecture. "What are you implying? I've always wanted your father to be happy. That's why I left him. And that's why we share custody of you."

Miley stopped me from walking into the elevator. "Mom, all I'm saying is that you should be nice."

"When have I not been nice?"

She took my hand. "Mom, I'm not trying to be rude. But I don't think we should talk about your romantic life in front of him."

I pulled my hand away from her grasp, "really? That's what you're concerned about?"

"He's still hurt."

"Hurt about me leaving him for a woman. Or hurt that I'm attracted to women?"

Miley considered her next words, while the elevator took us to the lobby. "Mom."

"No. Save it. I won't bring up my sexuality in front of your father and his fiancèe. But I also won't be saying much. Let's get through the next few days so that I can go back to my scandalous life."

"Mom, please!"

My chest heaved with the guilt that I'd felt since I was thirteen years old. It was the guilt of hurting the people I loved, because of who I'd love.

She grabbed my arm. "Miley, you've said enough."

"I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

"Too late. I have one question though."

"Hm?" Miley looked at me as we walked, "what question?"

"Did your father put you up to this?"

"No, of course not."

"Okay, you're just a concerned daughter who somehow knows that her father still isn't over the fact that his ex-wife prefers women?"

"Mom, it's complicated."

"It always is."

Miley stepped in front of me. "Forget I said anything. I think I'm being overprotective of him."

I nodded. "I understand, Miley. You care about your father's feelings and his happiness."

I struggled to accept that after twelve years, I still couldn't be forgiven—not truly.

"I care about your happiness too, Mom. Let's enjoy our time here, please? I'm really sorry."

"I'll limit what I say. But I'm not hiding anything either. Got it?"

Miley nodded. "Thank you. I don't know why you put up with me."

"It's because I pushed you out of my vagina." Miley's eyes widened. "What? You didn't know?"

"Mom, you're too much."

"Me? Coming from you? You're the one who needs to be on schedule down to the minute."

"I'm organized. I clearly didn't inherit it from you."

And just like that, our argument was a thing of the past. But the hurt I felt simmered in the pit of my stomach, and would continue until I was ready to deal with it.

"Yes, you either get that from your father or my mother."

"Grandma's brilliant. She taught me how to prepare a monthly planner. Best thing ever."

"Miley, you and your grandmother are weird."

"What? No, we're not. You're weird."

"Mikey Bear!" The sound of his voice startled me. Daniel walked over to us and pulled his daughter into his arms. "I've missed the hell out of you."

"Missed you too, Dad." I observed their interaction, realizing that it brought warmth to my heart.

"Sydney, good to see you." He pulled me in. My body almost tensed, but his embrace felt familiar, as though we've done it everyday.

"Good to see you, Daniel. I can't believe you're finally getting hitched!"

"Well, you know what they say—find a woman who puts up with you, make her your wife."

"I believe that's how your first marriage started," I said.

"Exactly." It somehow felt as though no time had passed. But Miley was no longer a kid. And Daniel was no longer my husband. "Amelia's already at the table. Shall we?"

Daniel and Miley walked in front of me, their arms linked and beaming smiles on their faces, as he asked her about her senior year in high school. I was starting to feel less anxious. And believed that I could get through the morning without reaching for a glass of wine.

My eyes glanced over Miley's shoulder, and I felt my heart slow down. I was sure that the woman I was looking at was his fiancèe. Her curious eyes looked back at mine with an intention that I wasn't sure of. I inhaled a strained breath, her deep blue eyes paralyzing my movements, even my breathing.

"Mom?" Miley looked back at me, realizing that I wasn't following them to the table. "Come on, don't be shy."

Amelia redirected her attention first. And I was left to awkwardly walk towards them. Daniel said, "Amelia, this is Miley's mom."

"Hi. Of course. It's so great to meet you, Sydney!" Amelia stood from her seat, and pulled me into a hug. I tried my best not to shudder under her embrace.

"Lovely to meet you, Amelia."

Looking around the table, that's when all of my nervousness resurfaced. "I'm so hungry I could eat everything!" Miley's eyes frantically looked over the menu. I carefully looked at mine, while taking glances at the couple in front of me. My heart sank deeper into my chest when I saw them smiling lovingly at each other.

"You've always had a big appetite, Mikey Bear. That's why we're having a buffet at the reception."

Miley gasped. "Really? For me? I might have a food coma before you cut the cake!"

Daniel chuckled, placing his hand into Amelia's. Amelia seemed to adore him. She looked at him with so much compassion in her eyes. I noticed because I was once in her place—in love with the same man.

She Stole The Brideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें