Chapter 4: way out west

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The clock was ticking down to disater and in the lab Eve was explaining to the the scientist with the grey beard she didn't mess up the timeline she looked around the room pretending to look for knights or dinosaurs running about the city but there was non he was wrong.

The man in the grey beard asked why she had to repopulate with Elden and not go the alternate way and blast a rocket to space he thought it would be quicker and would save them all.

Eve said she picked Elden because he saved her life multiple times and might be in love with him and she needed him to repopulate and build a better world it was a good reason why she needed Elden it was all in the name of science and love.

She felt Elden was so handsome and strong and she had to guide him to the current day.

Eve opened up her laptop and clicked on Elden's history archives and saw that every time he dies he wakes back up in another era closer to the future and this time Elden was in the wild west she turned round and explained to the scientists she needed to get Elden shot again so he can get closer to meeting him and saving the world.

The two scientists standing beside the grey haired one believed she could do it.

She ran to the time machine and typed in 1811 golden age of the wild west. She pressed enter and the machine vanished into thin air.

Elden opened his eyes to a  bright blue sky and dusty plain and before he could get up he wondered were he was, everything in his vision was blurry and once his vision cleared up he saw a pair of boots walk by him, the man pulled out a pistol and stood over Elden.

He waved the pistol in Elden's face calling him weak and threatening to beat him because he will never survive wondering out in the wild who knows who ever is out there, the man suggested Elden should have stayed in town away from bandits like him.

Suddenly as the bandit was about to pull the trigger of his pistol Elden closed his eyes and heard a gunshot and the bandits pistol fell out of his hand onto the ground.

The bandit turned round and raised his hands and saw a man in a black trenchcoat and red bandana around his mouth, he told the bandit to let the boy go and if he doesn't do what he says  he will shoot.

The man told him to go and the bandit ran off into the plains.

The man came closer to Elden and reached out his hand, Elden held on and gripped his hand and helped him up.

The man introduced himself he was Magnus Johnson leader of the  infamous Golden Magnus gang.

Magnus asked Elden if he wanted to come back to their camp and join them so he could get some rest and Elden smiled and said that would be great.

The magnus gang had a new unofficial member.

Magnus got on his horse and Elden got on the back and they rode off back to camp, Elden asked who that bandit was that was trying to shoot him?

Magnus explained that was Curly, one of the gangs rival gang leaders and Magnus foe they had been fighting in a feud for years.

Elden told Magnus he'd be sure not to have any run ins with Curly again because he didn't wanna get hurt again.

They arrived at camp and Magnus hitched the horse and Elden got off and Magnus introduced Elden to everybody.

Magnus tapped a glass with a spoon getting their attention and everybody stayed quiet, he put his hand on Eldens shoulder and told everybody to meet Elden the new unofficial member of the gang he said Elden could stay here and decide what to do once he is better.

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