I Guess Some Actions Don't Have Consequences

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The day following the attack was mockingly nice. The skies were a glorious, vibrant blue, and birds sang cheerful songs about the sunshine that smiled down upon Woodsboro, as if innocent teens weren't getting slaughtered every other night. As a result of the beautiful weather, several kids were eating their lunches outside. My new friends were no exception. 

"So, did you do it?"

"Randy!" Tatum chided. 

"What, it's a valid question!" Randy insisted, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"Ugh, in what universe would (Y/N) kill her best friend? Those two have been inseparable since freshman year!" Tatum pointed out. 

"Hey, killers don't always have to have a motive."

"Dude, I was knocked out," I said, rolling my eyes. "And there are records of someone calling the house while we were both inside."

"If there's a will, there's a way. Who's to say you didn't have an accomplice?" 

"Stop bothering her, Meeks." A tall guy with close-cropped blond hair and piercing blue eyes ruffled Randy's hair before sitting himself to the right of Tatum. He flashed her a big, goofy grin before bending down to kiss her. 

Giggling, she lightly pushed him away. "(Y/N), this is my boyfriend, Stu."

"Nice to meet you," I said to the boy, who wagged his eyebrows at me. Grinning, he put an arm around Tatum, who leaned into his touch.

I smiled at the couple before turning my attention back to my lunch. Sidney flipped a page in the book that she was reading, and Randy fixed his hair with an annoyed expression on his face.

Someone took a seat next to me. Turning to face him, I failed miserably at hiding my look of disgust. It was Billy Loomis. He and Sidney made brief eye contact, but he quickly averted his eyes. Randy and I shared a glance with Tatum, but none of us said anything. 

Clearing his throat, Randy broke the ice. "So, who wants to hear my new theory about Friday the 13th?"

"Nobody," muttered Billy. This earned some stifled laughter from the other members of the group. Randy glared at him, and I patted his arm reassuringly.

"Seriously, you have another theory on that movie? Please give us a break," said Tatum, rolling her eyes good-naturedly. 

I snorted in laughter. "Sorry, Randy," I told him honestly.

He just sighed. "None taken."

One by one, we left the table to go to our respective classes. Randy and I had personal finance, so we began to make our way in that direction; however, someone gently grabbed my arm and asked, "Can I talk to you for a sec?" 

I turned around to face Billy, crossing my arms in front of me. "Make it quick," I told him, checking my wristwatch. We were supposed to have a quiz at the beginning of class, and I didn't want to be late.

"So I know there's been...rumors about me and Sid," he started awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. 

I raised an eyebrow. "What kind of rumors? Enlighten me." 

The boy gave me a confused look, to which I responded, "I don't talk to that many people, and I'm not particularly interested in gossip either. I have no clue what you're talking about." 

I 100% did, but he didn't need to know that. 

"Um, well..." It was funny watching him squirm. "People have been saying that I broke up with Sid because...well, because she wouldn't fuck me."

A little on the nose, there, but okay buddy.

"Well, I heard that much from (B/F/N)," I told him icily. 

He winced. "Sorry. It must've been rough."

I exhaled. "It's alright. I'll be fine," I said curtly. 

He studied me for a moment, seeming to question whether or not that was accurate, before he went on. "The rumors aren't true. I know that you might be disposed to believe them, considering...well, considering everything, but trust me."

It's not like I believed (B/F/N) when she first told me the rumors, but then again, I wasn't about to trust the word of the guy that made Sidney cry, either. 

"I just felt that things were getting a little...strained between us," he said.


"I think you'd get it, breaking things off because you don't feel like they're working out. Even if you don't want to." 

I winced. He hit a nerve. 

Seeming to notice this, he continued, "You don't have to believe me, of course. Just try not to give me the cold shoulder every time we're in the same room? That's all I ask. You don't even have to like me."

I rolled my eyes, internally cringing at the thing I was about to say. "Fine. I'll give you one chance, okay?"

He beamed. "That's all I need."

"Good, because it's all you're getting." I checked my watch again. "I really have to go. I'll see you around, Loomis."

"Right back at you, Y/N." 

I slipped into the personal finance classroom right on time, and scurried to my seat as the teacher began passing out the quizzes. Randy shot me a questioning glance, and I waved a dismissive hand as if to say, "It was fine." 

As a paper was placed in front of me, I took out a pencil and got to work. I would have to put Billy and Sidney and (B/F/N) out of my mind for now; school allows no time for reflection on such things. Even if those things are all we can think about.


Author's Note: Oof, sorry for the short chapter. Once again, I'm just providing a little bit of world building :). I'm really getting into the 90s mood thanks to this project. I love researching different time periods (huge history nerd here) and want this to fit in with the decade, even if a few of the jokes are distinctly Gen Z lmao. I hope you're enjoying the story so far!


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