Coming to California

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All of Sheldon's friends could tell he was nervous. He was pacing back and forth constantly, breathing heavily, and mumbling to himself. They were all awaiting the arrival, of the Great Brooklyn Riley, also known as Sheldon's little (half) sister. Everyone was nervous, but Sheldon took it to another level. He hasn't seen his sister in 8 years, and they didn't have the best relationship to begin with.

When Sheldon's mother first found out the Brooklyn was extremely smart and social, but also everything else that an average adult doesn't even possess: all the attention went to her, and was almost never on Sheldon again, until after Brooklyn went to Space and they could obsess over her constantly anymore. This caused a lot of resentment between the two half siblings. They fought a lot. More than a lot. It was constant. Before she went to Space, they had their biggest one yet, and never got a chance to make up. Know one ever found out what the fight was about, it was something Sheldon never talked about, much like the topic of Brooklyn. 

"Sheldon, I don't understand why your so nervous," Amy said. "I'm nervous because i'm about to see the sister I haven't seen in 8 long years, and she probably hasn't changed a bit, which is what i'm worried about the most," Said Sheldon. "Why would you say that, what was wrong with her before she went to space?" asked Leonard. " Well she was extremely arrogant, egotistical, and thought she was better and smarter than everyone else." "So, she was exactly like you except a girl and shorter?" Penny asked sarcastically. 

They all turned their heads nervously when they heard a knock coming from the door. Sheldon slowly found his way over to the door and opened it. 

On the other side of the door minutes before

"I can't do this, yes you can, no you can't, yes you can." Brooklyn said as she tried to talk herself into knocking on the door to her half brothers apartment. She was so nervous she didn't even talk to her friends, also known as her co workers, the whole trip from the airport to now. "Come on just knock on the door, it can't be that bad." Jeremy, her best friend and fellow astronaut, said. "Oh, but you don't know sheldon." Brooklyn responded. "Fine if you don't do it, I will." Michael, her other friend and astronaut, said as he walked over to the door and knocked on it.

Sheldon POV

I opened the door and I saw an eighteen year old boy smiling, weirdly. I really didn't understand why he was here until I saw the girl behind him, who I immediately recognized as my half sister. She has really grown up into a different person. To be honest I almost didn't recognize her until I saw her eyes, we have always had the same eyes.

People inside the apartment

Sheldon welcomed Brooklyn and her friends, who everyone knew were her fellow astronauts, into the apartment. Sheldon and Brooklyn have yet to say a word to each other. There was a very awkward feel to the room. Michael cleared his throat and then said " Hi, I'm Michael, your apartment is very lovely." Penny than spoke up and said "thank you and this isn't awkward at all." Everyone except Sheldon and Brooklyn laughed at Penny's comment. That's when Brooklyn said "Sheldon it's nice to see you again, also I win."

The groups were confused on what Brooklyn meant. "How could you possibly win?" Sheldon asked. "Well I went to space for eight years and you have never been to space, also I am smarter and more awesome than you." "yeah right, I think we both know who is the superior intellectual in the room." Sheldon responded. Brooklyn broke out laughing...........

continued in next chapter

A/N (7/30/2022): Sorry for not updating sooner I have been super busy and i'm about to start school again, but I will try my best to update more often, and make longer chapters. I will try to update again in the next couple of days

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