Chapter 33

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This week might have been the worst for y/n. She felt so frustrated with her feelings. Her actions also changed.

Before, when she called with hyunjin, she wouldn't normally dress pretty or anything. Now, she got ready before she video called him. She felt her cheeks heat when hyunjin just glanced at her. She let something like anger when she saw girls drooling over Hyunjin. Or asking her for his autograph.

She never used to care about these little things, but why now?

Y/n paced outside in the field area, practicing her lines for her drama. She was dead serious because after all she adored the role and being an actress.

"Hey y/n!" Someone called her

Her eyes focused on seeing Jaehyun walking towards her, smiling and cheerful. He had a bunch of flowers in his hand and was dressed extra amazingly too.

"Oh jaehyun, it's been so long!" Y/n spoke

"It has..." jaehyun answered

"Where's Jackson? I thought you guys were inseparable" y/n chuckled

"oh he's......busy somewhere. What about you? I don't see Yeri around?"

"Ah, she didn't come today. She gone to visit her grandparents today"

"Do you want to talk for a bit? I need to talk about something" he spoke, looking deeply into her clueless eyes

"Sure, there's a lot of time left before my part"

They walked a bit down the street and found the nearby park. Y/n enjoyed the weather and walk meanwhile Jaehyun was so tensed and nervous.



He grabbed her hands in his and looked into her clueless eyes. He was ready to confess his feelings and go on a date after y/n accepted his proposal. He already made all the plans.

"I like I LOVE you! I've been thinking about you since that day we bumped at the restaurant. I felt so excited every time I'd get to meet you. And I want to stay with you forever. Be my girlfriend?" He spoke in one breath

At that moment, time froze for y/n. A sudden wave of realization came upon her. She didn't like Jaehyun. It was just an attraction. She liked someone else. The fog of her feelings died because she knew who was the one. She was never so sure about something.

"I know I love him" she thought

"I'm so sorry Jaehyun. I really am. I've only thought of you as a friend" y/n spoke finally

Jaehyun did not expect that at all. No one ever rejected him. He always got what he wanted.

"No no no....what about now. You can take more time to think. Give me a chance??" he spoke despaired

"Please understand that I can't. I'm so sorry"

"NO! I can't understand. I like you. Don't you love me back??! You have to love me!" Jaehyun spoke, raising his voice a bit. Y/n flinched slightly.

"This isn't right. I told you already Jaehyun. If you don't want to respect my opinion then fine. I'm leaving. And I don't think I want to be friends anymore. I don't want to see you again" y/n said

"Y/N! YOU CAN'T LEAVE!" Jaehyun spoke

"Watch me" y/n turned around and removed his hands from hers

Watching her leaving, he started laughing. Very psychotically, less humanely.

"No one ever reject me. Hahahaha, I'm sure y/n likes me. She's just too shy to confess. hahahahaha. Of course, that's the only reason"

"If I want something, I'll get it no matter what. I will get her. She's mine. ONLY MINE" he smiled psychotically

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