Fourteen - "As if I'm going to fall for him."

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Chapter Fourteen

Pia's POV

Before I went to bed, I called my best friend, Kimberly Park. She's like my living diary, and I'm the same as her. We update each other about what's going on with our lives.

"That's crazy sis, putting up with all that disguise. But I would do the same if I were in your shoes," she uttered. We've been talking for almost an hour already.

"I know you would. You're as sentimental as I am, when it comes to our loved one."

"That's why we're best friends," she confirmed.

Our friendship started during our first day in university. We sat together in history class and became good friends. We were similar in many ways, that's why we instantly clicked together.

"But your employer is crazy, throwing you into a pool. You could have been killed!"

"Nope, it's a giant pool, actually."

"Come on, I just repeated what you said yesterday," she clicked her tongue, "hmm... What's going on here? You said, he's savage, ruthless and dangerous. Don't tell me after your dinner this evening, now he's nice, kind and charming."

"Excuse me, I did not say that..."

"But you're about to. He got you, sis, you've fallen for his charm. You should be very careful, that man is a red flag."

"Stop it," I blurted, "he's been through a lot."

"Oh no! I can't believe you. Last night, you were so mad at him, calling him a devil, and now, you're defending him. Make up your mind, girl!" she laughed aloud.

"That was before I knew about the accident. Now, I understand him better."

"Careful sis, that man is an expert in women. Being charming is his forte. You've read articles about him, right, so learn from it. He dated too many celebrities, models, even princesses and heiresses. But he never get into a relationship, he has commitment issues."

"As if I'm going to fall for him," I said to her disbelievingly.

"I'm just being protective of you, I don't want you to get hurt," she said, "anyways, I'm going to see you this Saturday, okay? My parents are expecting you."

"Of course, I'll be there, as promised."

It was her dad's birthday dinner, and I promised her parents a month ago that I would not be absent. Mr. and Mrs. Park were also close to me. I always spent time with them because of Kimberly.

"Spend the night here, please..." she begged, "you said Saturday and Sunday are your day offs. We can spend time window shopping, then watch a movie on Sunday."

"Okay, but I have to be back here before five in the afternoon."

"Sure, no worries. I can't wait to see you."

"Me too."

We hung up, and I went to bed ready to sleep. But I could not sleep immediately, I kept on turning on the bed, trying to get a proper position.

I gave up, and spent the next hour reading articles about Kristov Stavrakos. Articles that I ignored before, suddenly I became very curious about.

The following day was my fourth day at work in the Stavrakos mansion. But I felt like it had been a month already, because of many incidents happening.

I met Debbie at the dining room entrance, who knocked my shoulder. She did not apologize, just looked at me, like I was a piece of furniture blocking her way.

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