Chapter Twenty.

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We're currently having a meeting with our 'project partners' and this is uncomfortable as hell.

Joanne looks gorgeous today too and she's showing too much of her cleavage and I'm not liking this. She should've dressed appropriately.

As Aiden's secretary I, of course, have no say in all this so I don't have to talk to anyone but Ethan's been giving me creepy looks from time to time and I don't like that either.

"Well, I'll be traveling to England next week with William and we'll see what we can do there," Aiden says and I look at him.

He's going to England?

"That will be great, should we discuss this further when you both come back?" Ethan asks, William nods.

"Okay, so it's settled then." Ethan stands up and offers his hand to Aiden, he stands up too and they shake hands. I take a sigh of relief and stand up too. Ethan looks at me and offers me his hand, I look at him and he smirks. 

He knows I can't ignore him. I have to shake his hand or else everyone will find this weird. I hate to think that everybody here thinks that we are friends when we aren't. I hate him with all my life and I just can't wait for this project to be over so that I'll never have to see his face again.

I lift my hand to give it to him when suddenly Aiden puts his hand on my shoulder, I look at him but he's looking at Ethan.

"It's almost lunchtime, why don't we have lunch together?" He suggests. I scream internally but paste a smile on my face and gladly retrieve my hand.

"Yes, that would be great. Please join us." I say to Ethan, being Aiden's secretary and wife I have to be nice to his clients.

"I would love that," Ethan says, looking at me. 

I will probably throw up everything I'm going to eat later.

Because his face grosses me out to no extent.


I take a sip of water from my glass and eye the bowl of crab soup in front of me. Quick fact about me, I hate seafood. And also I'm allergic to it.

I should've paid attention when Aiden was ordering our food, he did ask me what I wanted and I told him I'll have whatever he was having because I had no appetite whatsoever, of course, I didn't tell him the last part.

And he decided on seafood today. This is just the starter, I don't know how I'm going to make it through. I don't want to be rude so I pick up my spoon and dip it in the soup.

I bring it to my lips and look at it. Now either I'm going to survive this somehow or I'm going to die.

"Hey, didn't you have shellfish allergy?" Just as I'm going to shove the spoon in my mouth, I'm stopped by his voice.

I look at him and for the first time in years, I'm thankful to him. I'm relieved that he said that, but I'm embarrassed at the same time because now everyone is looking at me.

The next thing I know is that Aiden's hand is on mine, he makes me leave the spoon and starts wiping my lips with a napkin.

"Are you crazy?" He asks me softly while wiping my lips, he nearly tears them off because he's wiping them so hard.

At the same time, I know he's being considerate.

I pull away gently from his touch and look at him, I want to tell him that I'm feeling embarrassed.

"I'm okay, I didn't eat anything," I tell him.

He just looks at me like he doesn't believe a thing I'm saying.

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