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Chapter Sixteen

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I'm not far from the street we parked on, so we get back to my apartment in less than five minutes. In that short amount of time though Maddie fell asleep, curled up with her knees tugged up to her chest, the side of her head against the window.

I park on the correct floor of the private parking garage, gently moving her head off of the window so that she won't wake up when I open it.

It's only nine at night, but I know Maddie has about a million different things going on in her life right now, including a possible study abroad program. The thought terrifies me, but I'd never stop her from doing something to get her closer to her dream.

I pick her up in my arms and grab my key fob to swipe it across the door for entry. My apartment is only a few feet down the hallway after we get off the elevator, and I'm thankful that she stays asleep when I open up the front door. It's extremely heavy, making a loud bang as it shuts behind us.

Holding my breath, I glance down at her, but thankfully she's still sound asleep. She looks absolutely adorable as I carry her over to the wraparound couch. It could seat eight people comfortably, and although I love my bed, this is just as good. Plus, the floor-to-ceiling windows are something I know for a fact Maddie will love to wake up to. The rain is beating down, the city lights twinkling in the distance.

I set her down on the couch and go into my room to grab her one of my t-shirts. Rummaging through different ones, I settle on one of my old football t-shirts and bring it back out to her. To my surprise she's up now, her knees tugged to her chest on the couch as she stares out the windows.

"Did I wake you?" I whisper. You can hardly hear anything from the rain beating down.

"No, the rain did." She smiles softly. "Cam, this place is freaking incredible."

Passing her over the t-shirt, she stands up and continues to look around in awe. "Um, where is the bathroom?" She asks.

I point to the right of her. "Down that hallway."

"Thanks. Do you mind if I shower?"

I shake my head. "That's fine. I'll just scroll through Netflix to find us something to watch."

When she disappears out of sight I relax back into the cushions and turn the television on. I scroll through random movies for about ten minutes before I finally give up and go into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water.

I'm tired, my eyelids heavy as I wait for her to get done with the shower. The cold water wakes me up a little, but not much.

I glance down the hallway, seeing a light on in a room that's definitely not the bathroom.

"Maddie?" I call out. I head down the hallway and peek into the room I had made Isabelle's nursery. She's standing in the middle of the room in just my t-shirt with wet hair, her arms crossed in front of her as her back faces me.

"It just got finished yesterday." I beam. "I had a local artist come and do the mural. You think Izzy will like it?"

The room is under the sea themed after we bonded over squishy the turtle, and the mural is of just that. It's two huge turtles floating through the water, sea shells, seaweed and starfish gathered around them. It's a bunch of dark and light blues swirled together, creating the perfect illusion. The artist outdid himself.

The Perfect TimingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora