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One Year Later

Founders Day looks a little different this year. It's not a bad difference, but there's a lot of people who won't be here to celebrate with us. The mayor decided we celebrate them and their lives.

There's still some warmth left hanging in the fall air. Halloween is a week away, but our celebrations begin today. Once the last bell of the school day rings, we will all go home and prepare. At five o'clock we're all invited to the south bridge for a memorial to all of those we lost in the tragedy that took place. While not many people understood what was happening, our community has always been superstitious, a lot of belief in the nightwalkers and folktales.

There was talk about what happened with Jaime and I there that fateful morning. Questions about how the bridge collapsed raged through the town. It was rebuilt, but more recently plaques were added to the new stone, listing all the lives we lost that day.

The bell rings and my seniors stand to leave. Brad and Josh wave their goodbyes, while making gooey eyes at their friend Charlie who has found love again. Gena's death changed him, no longer were their rumors floating the hallways about him and his playing ways. He struggled the past year with therapies, and failing grades, but last spring he and I sat down and talked. I got him the help he needed and now he never stops smiling.

Throwing an arm over his girlfriend Quinn, he walks by my desk.

"Mr. Walsh."

He pauses, turns to Quinn, sweeps her blonde hair away from her face, and smiles at her. "Meet you outside, okay?"

She nods, grins, and presses her lips to his. It's a quick peck, but it's easy to see Charlie melting.

He turns back to me. "Yes. Ms. Mcguire - oh, or should I say, Mrs. Donovan."

I shake my head at him. "I'm still Ms. Mcguire for another week."

Starting today, the kids have off from school for a week, and it will be like that every year to honor those we lost. I'm taking off for two weeks following, because Jaime and I are leaving town, he's going to show me the world, and I can't wait.

"Here's your latest assignment back. You were out sick for our last class, so - are you sure you want to go into sports medicine. You could be the next Brandon Sanderson. Your writing is just - I fell in love. If I could give more than an A plus I would."

He squares his shoulders, standing proud. "I don't know, I could still give writing a shot too."

"I hope you do."

He smiles. "Thank you Ms. M. Oh - and congratulations, I hope you have a lovely wedding, and enjoy your trip. You deserve a break."

Laughter fills my lungs. "Thanks Mr. Walsh. Enjoy the break. Okay?"

"Um - can I ask you something?"

"Of course." I glance up watching him as he leans side to side.

"I know you have a lot going on with the wedding, but if you're available, I'd like to visit Gena's grave and I could use some support."

I stand, walk around my desk, and place a hand on his shoulder. "Name the time and I'll be there."

"Tomorrow, noon?"

"I'll be there."

And with that, he leaves a smile on his face, as he throws his arms around Quinn waiting patiently near the entry way to the classroom.

"Aw. Look at those love birds."

Just the voice I needed to hear pops into the classroom. Trish grins leaning against the door frame.

Break Me // ONC 2022Where stories live. Discover now