Chapter 21.75 Lemi

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Lemuel closed the front door of Nick's apartment behind him. Nick was still awake watching tv while waiting for Lemuel.
"You're back. Finally." Nick looked at him and immediately saw the gloominess in him.
"What happened?"
Lemuel merely shook his head. He didn't know how to understand what had just happened. He didn't know how to come to reason with what he saw.
Lemuel felt Nick's arms around him. He felt Nick's forehead against his own. His breath on his cheeks.
Lemuel finally looked Nick in the eyes and shook his head.
"What happened?" Nick asked frantically. Did Adaline say something again to him? Did he get into an argument or a fight with his family? Was it his other sister that hurt him this time?
"She doesn't deserve it," Lemuel whispered.
Nick didn't understand. But remained silent letting Lemuel say it slowly.
"She didn't deserve any of it, Nick."
Nick didn't say anything. He led them to the living room and sat them on the couch. Lemuel had his arms around Nick, tugging Nick into his front. Caging Nick in, not letting go.
"Start from the beginning Lem, what happened?"
"Noah... he... Dells tried talking to him and I heard the whole conversation last night. He said some horrible things to her. Cruel things. It got to her. She locked herself in her room. And then tonight... Zeke took her for a ride and when they came home..." Lemuel's breathing was erratic.
"Zeke told everyone that he's taking her away. He's relocating Dells to Miami after the summer. Saying that the house is too toxic for her, which it is." Lemuel embraced Nick even more.
Nick still didn't understand. She was the evil spawn's twin. Yes, Adelaide was a different person from Adaline. But twins nonetheless. Emily and him had become really good friends over the years and they both had a severe dislike for Adaline. They were both sceptical over Adelaide.
"Zeke, Jay and I were drinking before I wanted to leave. Then we heard this... this scream. Horrifying. It chilled me to my bones. I thought we were under attack... But Dells was screaming in her sleep. Zeke explained to me that she had severe nightmares and sometimes even night terrors. When we were changing her clothes I saw it all... everything Nick. The scars she tried to hide with tattoos, the wounds she sustained over the years... It's horrible. It was a horrible sight, Nick."
Lemuel drew out a shaky breath.
"Now I understand why she referred to our mom as Mother, or simply called her Candace. Now I also understand why Candace is going on trial."
Lemuel was silent. Nick wanted to ask so he turned around to look at Lemuel's face.
But before he could utter a word, Lemuel said it.

"Candace is the same as Adaline. And had custody of Adelaide for years..." Lemuel said softly, but each word was full of hate.

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