Chapter 3:Y/n VS God

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(3rd POV)

(Moments Before)

In a Dark Room. There you can see a light that has a shape like humans in general.

He was standing there looking at something in the magic circle in front of him. He is the God of the Bible.

God:"There Should Be No Problem Now." Say God.

His voice is so extraordinary and makes anyone who hears it will be amazed or stunned.

The magic circle in front of him became brighter than before. That's Because He's Fixed His Mistakes

God:"Hmm..." He put his right hand on his chin.

Suddenly a bright golden magic circle appeared right behind. God Doesn't Look Back At All. What appeared behind him was a handsome man with long white hair. He is the Angel General. He is God's Right Hand. His name is Michael.

God:"What's up Michael?" God Asking Without Looking At Him

Michael:"Sir, we sense a change in outer space." Say Michael To His Father.

God:"Eh.. You're Right.. I Feel It to." Answer God.

Michael:"Can You explain it? We Don't Feel it too much." Michael Asks God Questions.

God:"There's a Naked Man There." Says God.

Michael:"Eh? Naked Man?" Michael Looks Confused.

Gid:"Yes." God answer shortly.

Michael:"Please Explain What You Mean." Ask Michael Still Confused.

God:"Michael, Tell Everyone. I Have Some Business." Says God's While Raising His Two White Wings.

Michael:"Business? Don't tell me...." Michael Was Surprised By It.

God:"Yes, Let Me Go There." Answer God.

Michael:"Alright, I'll Get Ready." Say Michael.

God:"No, you'd better lead them for a while. I can't take you there. That person's level may be above you." Say God And Make Michael Immediately Surprised.

Michael:"But Still It's Dangerous, Sir" Michael Worried.

God;"Never mind, just do what I said earlier." Say God. But still Michael is still very worried about him.

Michael:"But sir...." Michael intends to stop his actions. But God or His superiors have flown from that place.

In the sky the room suddenly opened and there was seen a very clear night sky with stars scattered in the night sky. The God of the Bible flew at a speed so fast that it could not be followed by any creature's eye. Very Fast.

God:"Let's see who you are. Naked youth" said God softly and had a smirk etched on his face.

God:"I don't know why this time I'm very happy when I feel a strong presence outside. This is the first time I feel this powerful presence." Say Him In His Mind.

He flew with his both wings. Keep Going Until It Passes The Night Clouds. And He Has Now Arrived At The Border Of Earth And Space. He Then Comes Out Of The Bubble That Surrounds The Earth. That is the barrier between heaven and earth. He was still darting very fast towards the energy he felt and was in outer space.

(On the other hand)

Y/n is seen sitting on his carpet in outer space. He's Still Confused From Earlier. He then tried to calm himself down and then he created a clothes to cover his body.

The King of King's (Male Gilgamesh reader x Highschool DXD) Where stories live. Discover now