CH 2 - Eight child?

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Yujin was sitting at the couch while watching the television when she hear many foot step running. She just shake her head while smiling.

?? : Mom ! Look at Jimin and Taehyung hyung ! They drink my banana milk ! Again!

The youngest one whining while hugging his mom.

Mom : Jimin ! Taehyung ! I told you many times not to touch his banana milk.

Jimin : But mom....We're thirsty.

Taehyung : We didn't mean it !

Jungkook : They're lie, mom !

He whine as he take a sit next to her.

Mom: It's okay, Kook-ah. I'll make you the new one.

Jungkook : Thank you, mom. I love you.

He said as he hug his mom.

Mom : I love you too, son.

?? : It's better to have a younger sister than a younger brother like you guys.

The third son sassed them.

?? : At least she won't be annoying like you guys, i guess.

Mom : Suga ! It's not nice to say that to your brothers. You guys was a family after all. No matter what happen.

Suga : That is the problem, mom. Because we are family. If they are not my brothers, i already throw them in the trash bin at our back house.

Mom : Suga, you can't do that. You'll protecting them with whole of your heart. Love them like i did.

Suga : I understood, mom. Of course i love them. But....

He trailed off while sit on the floor while resting his head on his mother lap.

Suga : Maybe if we can get a baby sister in this house.

?? : We're agree about that, mom.

The second one spoken.

Mom : Boys, it's not that i don't want a baby girl. I always want one. But what if the eighth also a boy? Ahha...I got an idea. How about i adopt one?

?? : We're not agree with that one.

The first and the forth also join.

Mom : Boys, don't give me that look. It's not going to work on me.

Jin : Then we'll talk with dad.

Hobu : Come on, mom. Just one baby sister. Please....

BTS : Please....

They pleading her to have another kids.

Mom : Ughh...Fine..

They was shouting happily.

Mom : But you guys have to promise me that you guys will taking care of her well. Do not bullying her.

Namjoon : Of course we will, mom. But how are you so confident that it will be a girl?

Mom : Namjoon, i want to have one girl, okay. So i need to succeed this time.

Jin : We'll pray for you, mom.

He said and all of them laughing.

?? : Woww...You guys look so happy.

Mom : Hi, honey. You're home.

Dad : Yeahh..Why did you guys so happy? Any good news?

Jimin : Actually dad, we able to convince mom to have a baby sister for us.

Dad : What? A baby sister?

He shocked and take a sit.

Taehyung : Just one, dad. All boys inside this house except for mom.

Jungkook : We want someone that we can cherished and adore.

He said while pouty.

Dad : Aren't we already kinda old to get another baby?

Hobi : No, dad. You guys still young.

Dad : Okay..But what if it still a boy?

Suga: Last try won't hurt us, right?

Dad : We keep the 'last try' until we have you guys. Did you know about that?

Mom : Why? You don't want a baby girl?

Dad : Of course i want.. but let's see how many try that we did.. one.. two.. three.. four.. five..six..

He said as he count his son.

Mom : So what if it's already six times?

Taehyung : Yes. That's right. So what if its already six times? It just a number.

Dad : Okay. Let me asking you, my dear. If it is still a boy, what you gonna do?

Mom : Raise him, of course. What do you mean by what i am gonna do. I can't throw him away.

Jin Gui laugh at her wife answer.

Dad : Okay...But please let this be the last one. For real.

BTS : Yeahh !

Jin Gui just shake his head while watching his son jumping excitedly. He look at his beloved wife and stare at her.

He loves her more than everything that he has but he didn't have any courage to tell her the truth. He knows that he wife will be very furious if she knew that he was using his sons to be his dark shadow.

He start to feel scared if his wife got to know about this. He have to lie to his wife every day. His sons also did the same. They will told her that they have a football training but actually they was in mafia training.

But when they have a mission they will told her that them going out for party. They will going home very late. His wife will nag a bit but then she stop.

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