Chapter 18: Let's Play The Jealousy Game

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A/N: It would really make my day if more of you could leave a comment, so I know what you think of FF. I've been having a shit week so I've decided to make people happy by uploading. Making people happy makes me happy! By the way, the song on the side is what helps me write about Veronica and Lainie, because it's called 'Little Miss Innocent.' Hehe. Enjoy this chapter lovelies! :)

Even though I was a bit embarrassed that I had attacked Hudson Miller, a movie star, I was kind of glad he was here. Now I had a friend. I watched as Keith took a seat opposite me, next to Veronica, who was still eyeing Henry. Geez, he was going to get married and she still had to nerve to flirt with him! I felt like burning a hole in her pretty face.

Keith’s voice snapped me out of my angry thoughts of Veronica. “I knew I recognised you from somewhere,” he said, with a bit of a smirk on his gorgeous face. “Henry Parker’s fiancée … it was all over the tabloids, wasn’t it?”

I nodded slowly. “Yeah it was.”

After a few seconds of silence, I looked up at him with accusing eyes. “Why did you lie about your name? You told me your name was Keith.”

To this, he uncomfortably shifted in his seat. “Well … I didn’t want to say ‘I’m Hudson’ in case you recognised me as Hudson Miller the move star, so I told you I was Keith,” he explained. “And well, I wasn’t really lying. Keith is my middle name.”

I scoffed and picked at my king prawn salad. “Whatever. You still lied!”

Keith laughed at my immaturity. “You’ll get over it, I’m sure.”

“Can I still call you Keith though?” I asked with a grin. To me, he looked like a Keith, not a Hudson. The name Hudson just made him sound so … Hollywood. And his personality was not really ‘Hollywood.’

Keith grinned at me. “Sure. Why not?”

The clearing of a throat jerked us both from our talking. I turned to Henry, who was glaring at Keith with his arms folded. “So Hudson, how do you know Lainie?”

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. Even though I was still a bit angry with Henry, he was so good at acting. Right now he looked like the perfect jealous over-protective fiancé. 

Keith eyed Henry with amusement. “It’s actually a funny story,” he replied easily.

Peter, sitting at the head of the table leaned forward. “Well let’s here it then!”

So, for the next few minutes, Keith delightfully told everyone sitting around the table of how we met at the airport. My face was tomato red by the time he finished, and everyone was laughing at how hilarious it was.

“Charming story,” Henry said dryly. He didn’t seem pleased and Veronica too, whose eyes were criticising me.

“Lainie, that is a gorgeous dress you’re wearing,” she said, a fake smile suddenly plastered on her pretty face. I had a feeling where this was going.

“Thanks,” I replied flatly, to show I wasn’t interested in her games.

She continued on, ignoring the sharp tone of my voice. “Did you get it from Wal-Mart or something?”

Some people at the table went quiet, since they had heard Veronica’s snide comment, while others were totally oblivious and kept chatting animatedly. “Yeah, it is,” I lied, giving her my best angelic look. “I’m surprised you actually know what Wal-Mart is though!”

I heard Keith let out a chuckle along with Steve, and I could feel Henry smirking. No one messed with me. Veronica’s face had turned an angry shade of red. She didn’t say anymore to me, which was immensely satisfying.

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