8. The Guild Master

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(Author's Note: Dedicated to SuVida777 and her Story Rhodoreef, and Asian sci-fi re-telling of the Little Mermaid!)

Many leagues to the north of Rider's Keep lay Selena, the principal city of Sunia. Nestled in the foothills of the Snow Mountains, its soaring towers and thick walls were the envy of many a Holder. Built from white stone, they gleamed in the sunlight and caught the eye of all those approaching from miles away. Tallest of all was Tower Vierrac, head quarters of the Mage Guild and home to most of the country's mages.

At this moment, the usually dignified figure of the Guild Master was storming up the stairs. What in Rhillion's name had caused that shock to the ether? He had felt it right down to his bones, even though he had been fast asleep at the time. He usually preferred to work at night when everything was quieter and he could focus clearly, but the downside meant that he slept through much of the day.

Eventually, the Guild Master reached the room at the top of the tower, where the scrying glass held pride of place. He flung open the door and strode across to the huge glass. Slightly convex, as wide as a man's spread arms, the surface was rippling like water in a pond. When was the last time he had seen anything like that? Unfortunately, he could remember all too well.

Impatiently, he waited for the glass to settle. He could see nothing clearly yet, only glimpses of a candle lit room and two figures, swirling in and out of focus.

Eventually the surface stilled enough for him to recognize the drab cloak worn by those of Rider's Keep. That meddling fool, Uldon. He should have known.

Now, he would have to send one of his most promising mages to investigate, just when he needed them all at hand. His brows twisted in annoyance. Uldon really should have known better.

(Author's Note: Second Milestone: 8000 words by Wattpad's count, not including all my authors notes!)

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