Mother, I'm Famous!

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I woke up to see the camp in the distance. I shook everyone awake careful not to accidentally murder them but pushing them off the dragon's back. Arin sat up with a bed head and a small line of drool. "You drooled." He wiped it away, embarrassed. Cynthia crawled to the neck of the dragon. "Mark, the view is- Mark?" He wasn't on the back of the dragon, on a small black pouch it was written, 'I left Zane behind, I'm going back for him. Don't follow me, stay safe.' Cynthia looked around desperately. "Cynthia, we're going to land."

"Not without Mark."

"We're already here," I said quietly, somehow saying things quietly makes it sound more gentle. The wind whipped our clothes and hair. "Are we gonna land soon?"

"Yeah, why?"

"The dry air, it hurts my nose."

"Wimp, but yeah we're gonna land soon." Sure enough, we landed. Arin went off into the camp borders. Cynthia slid down fiddling with her bracelet. "Mother will despise Mark for going back. Might even kill him."

"But- but Mark's her son. She wouldn't do that." She looked at me with her green eyes. "You don't know what she's capable of." We walked into camp borders and people surrounded Arin asking him questions. Part of me knew he was changing the story to his favor where he is more heroic than a boy who hit his head on a pole. "Arin!" He turned around. "Oh, everybody meets Cynthia, Cynthia meets everybody."


"She is a daughter of- can I say it?"

"Yeah sure."

"She's a daughter of Morrigan." Surprisingly no one laughed or stared at her. Some even walked up to her saying that it was cool. It was relieving, I just wished that Mark was there to see he wouldn't be an outcast. In the corner of my eye, I saw a figure holding a dagger covered in blood with Arin's name inscribed on it. "Wha-"

"Kendra! C'mon." Arin was running towards Brigid's Office Cabin.

The cabin was spacious and smelled like mistletoe. "Kendra, thank you for returning my mother. I guess all the gods and goddesses owe Morrigan an apology." I nodded slowly. "Very well, I guess we should discuss the terms and conditions with the group Arin made up out of nowhere."


"Yes, he calls it: 'Group'." That's creative, very creative. "He couldn't think of anything else." She pushed up her glasses and set her quill in the inkwell. "You truly are a remarkable girl, having found my mother when so many have failed. What concerns me is that you saw Fomorians. They were supposedly banished away, but now that they've come back you'll have to stay at camp more often. You can become a year rounder with your father's passing which I am truly sorry for. A letter will be given to you, if you wish to stay then, thank you. You can go now." She opened the door, directing me outside. I stepped out to see Arin and Cynthia talking. He hugged her tightly. I ran up to them, they pulled away and smiled at me. "I've been thinking if I should be a year rounder."

"Sure, I'm a year-rounder," Arin said smiling.

It made me feel better.

I smiled back at him. I suddenly felt a body collide with me. Behind me was Aspen holding a letter. "You got a letter half-sis."

Name: Kendra D. Waters

This letter is concerning your acceptance as a year-rounder. If you accept this letter we will send fae to collect your things from your home. If you refuse this generous offer please pack your things and wait at the border. A bus will drive you back home or to a foster home in the passing of your father. Sign below and sign back yes and submit this letter before September 28.

Truly yours, Brigid, Director Of C.o.D, Brigid

I sign it quickly and drop it off at Brigid's mailbox. The generous offer as she said was too good to pass up. I went to Arin and Cynthia. "I accepted the offer so I'm a year-rounder now."

"You're also famous."


"You are Kendra," Cynthia said excitedly. She was staying in the Erin cabin until she finishes building the Morrigan cabin. "When?"

"A while ago, for finding Danu."

"Wow, I'm famous."

"So... can you ask Brigid for the Hollywood Walk Of Fame but camp?"

"Yeah, sure." I walked over to Brigid who was monitoring some campers.

"Brigid? Can the Hollywood Walk Of Fame for the camp be built?"

"Did Arin ask you that?"

"Yeah." She nodded, laughing. "I guess. The only way to make him stop." I put my thumbs up signaling Arin to jump in the air. He punched the air in success doing a victory dance. "Oh, please. She only did it so you would stop." Cynthia said, punching his shoulder playfully.

Later at dinner, Brigid had an important announcement. "Campers! We have good news, bad news, and terrible news." The campers groaned. "The good news is that Danu has been found." They cheered and whistled. She raised her hand to silence them. "The bad news is that three campers went missing; Lyra Seyer, Petra Lester, and Ben Ander. The terrible news is that Fomorians have risen again. As you know Fomorians will only listen to their children of their king, Balor." Everyone turned their gaze to Graham Stolas. He was the only son of Balor at camp. "You think I did this?! I would never!" I wanted to believe him but with his cold personality and rude demeanor, it was no wonder people blamed him. He stormed off holding his sword tightly.

Later that day non-year rounders boarded the bus to go back home. I sat in my cabin, Aspen's dad was still alive so he was going home. Arin looked at me with his green eyes at the gate to the camp. "Stay safe, keep away from monsters."

"I'm staying at the camp."

"Ohhh, yeah. I forgot about that."

"I'll be fine, I'm still breathing."

"Yeah, wanna go canoeing?"

"Don't throw me in the water."

"You can float, and you won't sink. Humans are neutrally bouy-"

"Save it, Einstein."

" C'mon, you're no fun."

"Let's just go canoeing."

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