V2: Forty [Part 2 Final]

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Kendra picked up Kendrick in her arms and couldn't help but smile. As she stared at the small baby in her arms, tears fought to rise to the surface.

"Are you okay?" Lana sat on the rocking chair with Ezekiel.

"Of course." After placing the baby in the crib, Kendra became lost in thought, recalling the darkness that had consumed Aaron. She feared that if the humans did anything wrong, it would finally push her mate over the edge. As she fought back tears, she turned her hand to glance at her faded barcode.

"We shouldn't lose hope..." Lana began. "I doubt any human is secretly hoping for war..."

Kendra met her sister's gaze. "I truly hope the humans don't repeat history...This time, they will not be put in sectors...This time...I fear they will be annihilated." She paused, lowering her hand to her side. "Everything was well as it was...I don't understand why the slayer said that they seek to protect the humans...There are laws already in place that protect them."

A knock came at the door. Kendra opened and stepped aside so that Vance could walk into the room. It elated her to see the glint of happiness in her sisters eyes. Kendra excused herself and headed to the office. She paused and turned toward the front door. After breaking into a sprint, she shifted into her wolf form.

After everything, she simply needed a long run. She pushed herself to move faster, her paws thudding against the earth. When she came to a halt beside the river, she shifted back to her human form and stood still, closing her eyes as she inhaled the relaxing fragrances of the forest.

At the scent in the air, she glanced over her shoulder at Aaron, hating to see his piercing blue eyes not as bright as before. "Where did you two head to?" She stared at the river in front of her, sensing Jack feet beside her. She hesitated before glancing in his direction. "What the hell is going on?"

"The humans have requested a meeting in a week...It will be held in neutral zone."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Only leaders are allowed to attend this meeting...a werewolf king has yet to be chosen," Jack said, stepping closer to her so that he could brush his fingers over her shoulder, creating a soothing spark. "The packs have chosen us to represent them."

She couldn't help but smile as she glanced at Aaron. It elated her that the packs saw them as one unit. They could have easily asked Aaron only, but they had asked for the three of them. Her eyes fluttered closed when Jack trailed open mouth kisses down her neck. When he pulled back to meet her gaze, she cupped his face and kissed him.

Hours later, she walked down the grand stairs wearing a golden gown that hugged her curves. She smiled at her mates, who both looked stunning in their suits. She locked arms with them and walked through the open portal. They were greeted by applauds on the other side.

Today, they would forget about everything and celebrate with the packs their anniversary as they had every.

A week later, Kendra walked into the enormous  building made of mostly glass. She greeted the other council members as her mates did.  When the slayer who had been chosen by the humans approached them, both Aaron and Jack did not hide the fact neither trusted him.

"The rooms have been prepared—"

"That won't be necessary. I doubt this will take more than a couple of hours," Aaron said.

Kendra noticed the others staring at them.

The slayer had been wearing a mask, but after his deep green eyes settled upon Jack, he removed it, something she had never seen any of them do. Kendra's eyes widened at the pain that consumed her heart before she moved to stand in front of Jack.

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