Part 22!

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"Please stop!"I said to Tom as he awkwardly walked around

"Stop What?"he asked

"Pacing!"I replied with a laugh

"I'm not pacing!"he replied sitting down on the sofa next to me pulling me onto him

"So you'll sit like this but you won't kiss me?"I asked half joking and he rolled his eyes

"Well I was going to but not anymore!"he replied and I rolled my eyes this time then hugged him and he placed his hand on my head against his chest

"Ok your heart is beating out of your chest!"I joked and pulled away looking at him with a smile


"Can you pass the salt?"I asked and y/n looked at me for a moment too long which isn't helping with this no kissing thing I decided, I don't know why I decided it anyway

"Yep!"she replied and passed it to me as I was making dinner for everyone who are still not home and I also now regret starting to make food

"It's very nice of you to be doing this!"she then said and hugged me from behind so I turned to face her and her hands fell around my waist so I placed mine on her hips

"I know!"I replied with a smile

"I didn't know you could cook cook!"she added with a smile

"There's lots of things you don't know!"I replied with a smirk

"Oh you wish that was true!"she joked and I laughed

"Thank you-"she then added softly looking into my eyes

"-for making an effort!"she finished her sentence and I wanted to punch Jack for making her think like that

"Don't be stupid!"I replied and leaned in kissing her softly

"You just broke your rule!"she joked pulling away

"Oh well- it's broken now!"I said with a shrug and kissed her again deeper with one hand on her face another on her hip as I held her against me and she smiled into it as she wrapped her arm around my chest while one of mine ventured down to her bum shuffling forward so she slid onto the counter and stood in between her legs while my hand moved to her cheek as we kissed when someone coughed and my heart sunk

"Mum!"y/n said hopping down and hugged her mum who smiled at her and my eyes travelled from them to her dad standing next to them and then to her brother, who were both death staring me

"That means your Tom!"her mum said with a deep breath

"Mhm yea! Hi!"I said awkwardly and shook her hand

"Don't be silly!"her mum said hugged me taking me by surprise warning a laugh from y/n and her brother...I think

"Alright nobhead!"y/n then said hugging her brother

"Why does it smell like food?"he asked and my eyes widened as i turned off the oven and the food was fine

"We made dinner!"I said with a smile

"So you made dinner then because y/n can't cook for shit!"Her dad said laughing and I sighed from relief

"She's not THAT bad!"I joked and y/n hit me

"I helped! I passed the salt!"y/n replied

"Seems like you were more a distraction!"her brother added with a smirk eating something he picked up and her mum hit his shoulder

"Quick question?"her brother then added looking at me

"Yes?"y/n asked cocky sensing the question

"Where's Jack?"He asked and wow it's so much worse than I thought

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