Always Return

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I sat on the couch next to Socks, still sitting there with his wings wrapped around himself as if to block out the world. I hated seeing him broken and torn up like this. He shouldn't have to suffer like he is.

I tried to talk to him again. "Socks? You okay?"

He fluttered his wings just slightly, but said nothing.

I wrapped my arms around him. "Hey, it's okay. You didn't do it in your own mind, it was Vizor. Don't blame yourself for it."

Socks looked up at me and blinked sadly. "How am I not to blame for this?" He said, "None of this would have happened if I had just found a way to leave... Dino would be alive. Ally, and Tbh too. You guys would be safe."

"But Vizor would still be here," I pointed out, "Who knows how long he's been posing as Laff- most likely since Laff actually died. That was a year ago. It would've been worse if we didn't see him coming."

Socks sighed and looked away.

"You know what?" I said, "I'll be right back. You good for a minute?"

No response. What was I expecting.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As I grabbed a cup, I suddenly felt as if someone was watching me. I turned around and glanced around the kitchen. No one. I'm probably just on edge from the whole Vizor thing.

But the feeling would not go away. Once I got a drink, I decided to go to my room for a minute. Maybe I just needed some alone time.

I walked into my room and closed the door. I flopped down on my bed and sighed. I checked my phone. Friday, April 1st, 2022. I had totally forgotten about April Fools day- but of course, no one is really in the mood for pranks or Rick rolling today. People being killed is no joke. I also realized that it had been only earlier this week- around last Saturday- that Socks arrived here. So much had happened, it feels like it's been years.

"Puny little human."

I bolted upright and suddenly saw Vizor standing in the corner. How did he get there?? How long as he been here????

I grabbed a book from my nightstand and chucked it at him. It went right through him, as if he was a ghost.

"Really, did you think I would physically come here?" He sighed, "You crindnis. Always so oblivious to the truth."

"What do you want from me?" I questioned, my tone forceful, yet fearful.

"Oh, just a little... Test, I should say," Vizor said. Suddenly, I was frozen in place. It felt as though I was surrounded by ice, the cold gripping every part of me like a claw. Vizor walked across the room and stood face to face with me.

"Poor, innocent Blaza," Vizor mocked, "Socks can't save you now."

Suddenly, it felt as though my body was being torn from my control. I held back a scream, for it hurt like heck. Vizor transformed into a shadow and disappeared, and the cold agony faded. I fell to my knees and breathed heavily. What just happened?

That's when he spoke.

"Don't think you're out of this yet."

"What are you doing?" I questioned. I looked around the room. He was no where in sight. Yet his voice was clear as day. I had the feeling it wasn't because of when Meme and I caught him and Dusk the other day.

"Only... Borrowing you, let's say," Vizor said, "Until I finally take my revenge."

And at that, he stopped talking. I stood there for a moment, shocked. He was.. "Borrowing" me? How does that work? Is it what he's been doing to Socks? Or worse? 

I'm just really confused right now.

I sighed. I really need to rest for a bit. 

I headed downstairs to check on Socks. He hadn't moved since ten minutes ago, when I left. I sat on the couch next to him once again and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'll always be here for you," I whispered, "No matter what happens."


Mwahahahaaaa more Vizor >:D

And yes this chapter takes place on April fools day. I decided to be boring and not put any pranks in it LOL

plus I started writing this a few days ago so it wasn't originally planned. I just added it for no reason TwT

676 words :))))

No Turning Back (A Socksfor1 AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz