Colour two: orange

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It was about 5:30 when I got out of bed. there was no reason to have a shower because I was going in the surf anyway. so I brushed my hair and teeth (not with the same brush) got in my bikini (the only swimmers that weren't in the wash) and my wetsuit, oh and my board and started to walk to the beach. by the time I got down there max was already there. it was only 6:00 in the morning! He was lying on his surf board on the sand and looking at the sunrise. I decided to scare him so I carefully put my board down and didn't make a noise. I slowly crept up on him and screamed in his ear. He freaked. it looked like he was meditating the way he was sitting maybe I shouldn't have done that.

A girls living dreamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang