Strike, You're Out

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

The analog clock on a nightstand is the only thing that can be heard within the Poseidon cabin. Dust gathers on the bunk beds and dressers that line the walls, and from first glance, one would assume that the entire building has been abandoned ages ago.

However, upon further examination, one will find an eerily still son of the sea sitting cross legged on one of the beds.

Percy Jackson clutches a small, black picture frame in his fingers. The paint is dull and starting to peel in certain places, as if it's been traced too many times. He stares into it–reminiscing at the story the frame holds.

It wasn't uncommon that he'd do this. In fact, the camp had to make sure he didn't go for too long sitting in this state.

After all, the thoughts in his head could be just as damaging as the sword in his pocket.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

He examines the picture behind the glass barrier. He traces every crevice of the image, memorizing its existence to the point he could do it blindly. Her blonde hair falls around her shoulders like a halo, and her steel eyes gaze into the camera lens with mirth and surprise. A deep pain throbs in his chest.

Tick. Tock. Tick.

A pool without water. The missing pieces to a puzzle. The sky without the moon. All of which hold an incompleteness that Percy undoubtedly feels in his heart.

A person without love. He thinks bitterly. He knew not all people get the privilege of loving someone and being loved back unconditionally, but after having it for so long, he couldn't help but feel selfish of what he once had. His thoughts, however, are interrupted by a soft knock at the door.

"Percy?" Piper pokes her head into the cabin, looking for said demigod. He doesn't bother looking up, and can feel her frown from his peripheral vision. About a year has passed since the incident, yet instead of time healing his wounds, it seems as if it continued to deepen the pain within him.

He hadn't bathed in two days, and honestly wasn't motivated enough to do so. He knew his mental state was spiraling, but he can't seem to find the drive to do anything.

Piper sighs. "It's time for sword training with the kids, Perce." Her voice is soft and tentative, as if a single word were to shatter the glass-like state Percy sits in. Though he simply nods while keeping his eyes trained on the faded memory in his hands.

Before anything else can be done, however, flashes of bone white and hellish black make him nearly drop the priceless frame. Sharp, unrelenting pain seizes his mind as he presses his palms to the sides of his temples.

Only the cracking sound of the forgotten photo frame hitting the ground is able to jolt him from the sudden episode. His eyes lock with the sight below him. The frame had slipped from his fingers, leaving broken glass scattered around his feet like a bad omen.

Piper is by his side within seconds. Her tone is worried and confused. "Are you okay? What was that?"

"I'm fine." He waves her off, tearing his gaze away from the mess. He attempts a small smile. "Just a headache."

Piper narrows her eyes at him, not believing it for a second. Percy gives her a reassuring smile; whatever happened was probably just a bad migraine. Which makes sense, since he can't remember the last time he ate. "Okay, but there's glass everywhere now. Don't move until we get this cleaned up, alright?" The son of Poseidon nods in agreement before they get to work.

Strike one.


"Okay everyone!" Percy calls to the ten and eleven-year-olds with swords. "Today we will be learning defensive combat." They all nod in excitement, their fingers itching to swing the deadly blades in their hands. As he explains the lesson, he notices some of the older campers giving him odd looks. Some turned to the others to mumble weightless words of opinions.

A Moment of Stars || PJO Chaos [REWRITE]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ