Chapter 40

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I just nod my head, not trusting my voice.


Athena's POV.

Everything is dark and everything hurts.

The pain is so overwhelming- I can't move.

I can't move

I can't see

I can't talk

I can't do anything.

I'm just lying here- in this surprisingly comfortable bed.

I can hear them  

I can hear my brothers and nurses and doctors all talking.

I keep trying to get out of here, to wake up but I can't.

The most I can manage is squeezing my hand very lightly which drains all my energy.

After that I sort of fall asleep then wake up again after I don't know how long before again mustering all my energy into squeezing Atlas' hand which than make some fall asleep again- it an endless cycle.

Even though I haven't really made any more progress except for being able to squeeze a hand, I do still keep trying.

I keep hoping that I'll get out of this state, that I will wake up.

It breaks my heart hearing my brothers plead for me to wake up and get better, especially when it's Atlas.

I don't like hearing him cry and I hate it even more since I can't even comfort him because I'm the reason for it.

It's so painful this experience well except for that time Vincenzo touched my head.

I wanted to bite it off.

I still do.

My stupid phone that had been ringing for the past few days was killing my head.

It was so annoying I had never wished for someone to invade my privacy as much as I did back then.

Eventually Atlas picked up, he told me everything and now Ares is coming here.

Suddenly I hear Atlas start to cry.

He hasn't really cried ever since he found me in the bed at the house while I kept falling in and out of unconsciousness.

'Don't cry' I want to tell him.

I want to bring him into a hug and comfort him until he stops crying.

Until he feels okay again

I try to move

I try to speak

I try to open my eyes

I try everything and nothing works




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