Chapter Eleven

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The car ride home is chaos. All of my brothers are talking over each other. Brothers. That's a weird word. Either the gods hated or loved me to bless me with six older siblings, six older brothers. I won't be used to that for a while. Shaking my head, I pressed my nose to the window, letting the coolness seep into my skin. Why would mom lie to me about being infertile?

"You okay Nadia?" Lifting my head I looked at Valentin, his gentle eyes watching me. I nodded at him. My mutism was something I really needed to overcome. I was running out of ways to express myself well. Writing didn't do anything justice and, well, I just don't know any sign language to even try.
No, we would get through it together. If I wanted to trust the boys, I needed to actually trust them; and whether or not I liked it, that meant sharing my memories with them, the good, the bad, and the in-between. They wouldn't judge me, no, they loved me, and eventually, I would train myself to love them back.


We were back in the garage before I even realized it. The boys quickly exited and went inside. I waited a second then got out when the coast was clear, a sense of ill-will coming across my body and settling on my hip.

I knew that feeling... it had only happened once before.

"Nadia, please come to the living room, we need to have a family chat." Hercule's firm voice came from the doorway to the garage and I hastened to get inside. He waited for me before turning on his heel and heading down the hall, entering the living room. My brothers and Gabriel were sitting around on the couches and I quickly claimed a corner of one.

"Right, now that we're all here and the DNA tests came back positive, I have some information to share with you." I nodded my head, motioning him to continue. "Next week, you will be starting at your new school, Simone de Beauvoir Prep, an all-girls high school. Your brothers and I all went to the all-boys school that is attached and were at the top of our classes. Your grades are expected to be kept up and we are willing to get you any extra help if needed. We have a high standard at that school and you will uphold it." I nodded my head. That was a lot. I don't know how a new school would go, I just arrived in France, less than a week ago, was still mute, and I most certainly didn't understand any French. "Tomorrow, you and Armel will go to pick up your uniform and schedules. Now, onto the next topic.
'The language and communication barrier you have will be dealt with at your school. I contacted Mrs. Hark and she said it would be best to keep you in a normal school setting, so that is what we are going to do. You will be taking both sign language and French classes however, an elective will still be able for you, you will be choosing it at the school tomorrow." I nodded my head again. I didn't agree with my having to go back to school so soon, but what could I say? Hercule made sure the rules were set and followed, I was just the recipient of them.

"Good. One last thing, when you were little, Nadia, you were a bubbly baby, a baby who was always smiling and laughing, always looking for attention. We finally have you back, and now you're mute, and your eyes have gone cold. I know something happened. I won't pressure you into telling any of us, just know, when you're ready to tell us, we will be here to listen." My head nodded and he smiled. "You're free to leave then."

I practically ran from the room, I couldn't get out of it quick enough. The air there was dense and I wasn't mentally prepared to go back to school.

Stopping and leaning against a wall, I rubbed my hip. It had been burning all day, but I couldn't talk to my brothers, not if I wanted to avoid more questions being asked.

"Ma chérie, are tu ok?" Annette was looking at me, a dust rag in hand. I nodded my head and offered her a stiff smile. She didn't seem to believe it, but to be honest, I wouldn't have either. I wasn't okay. My life had been flipped completely upside down. I had six brothers, was being haunted by parts of my past, was being forced into a new school, was dealing with my scars, was dealing with trust issues between wanting and not wanting to trust my brothers. Yeah, I would say I was definitely not okay.

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