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"Bri, you need to stop crying over Wes. You guys didn't even date."


"Let's just get this straight. I'm not crying. But I am hurt, but by the principle. He acted like we had potential to be something yet ghosts me all summer." I say to my best friend Nikki as I stare up at the sky.

"Yeah, well he slept with two girls after you confessed your feelings to him. I think that's a major sign to move on to the next."

"See?" I shout sitting up to look at her. "I confessed my feelings, he said we could talk tomorrow about it, then everyone telling me he getting with other girls. It's the principle. If he didn't want anything with me, he should have just said and I would have moved on. But now I feel played, and that's what's upsetting."

"Bri, men ain't shit." Isa says looking up from her laptop. "So the best thing is to move on and focus on yourself. Besides, he's graduating in December you'll never see him again."

"Yeah I guess. I just hate this school," I say putting my hair in a bun, "The guys here are trash."

"Facts." Isa and Nikki say at the same time.

"Smile, I'm posting this on snap." Isa says turning her phone to take a group selfie.

"Why you always wanna take pictures? I look like a little boy." Nikki says as she fixes her hair then glasses.

"We are outside, it's nice out. We're doing homework on Bri's cheetah blanket. It's an aesthetic. Now smile, little boy."

As Isa snaps away, my mind starts to go back to what happened this weekend.

Wes and I met last semester through some mutual friends. He was a senior and I was in my second semester as a transfer.

I would say we instantly had a connection. He was a terrible texter, but he always made up for it in person. We were always laughing, watching Criminal Minds, having sleepovers, cooking together, and stuff 'couples' would do.

No, we were not a couple. But how he treated me, spoke to me and how he spoke about me to others, you'd think we were.

So I feel, that I'm validated to feel the way that I do.

Wes confessed his feelings to me at his house, on the last night before I went back home for summer.

His exact words were, "I just want to let you know, I do have feelings for you also, I'm coming back for one more semester, so let's see what happens when we get back." And with that he sealed it with a kiss goodbye.

You'd think we'd keep in contact after that. Wrong.

I reached out three times, and he left me on read every time but would watch my stories.

I am a very talkative person. I love to talk, text communicate, but I'm not gonna keep bothering someone who clearly doesn't want to talk to me. I should have stopped with the first text but me soft-hearted Brielle thought maybe if I text him one more time he'll respond.

Three months went by and I was just left confused. He confessed his feelings, tells me he's coming back for one more semester and that we can see what happens and then kisses me?

I had a lot of emotion built up because of that. My mind felt like it had whiplash.

When we returned back to campus, I was determined to get answers out of him.

First weekend back, the girls and I go to the local bar that everyone goes to called Carter's. We dressed to impress. I mean we do every time we go out.

Now when I got there. I did have a few drinks, but I'm 21 so that's legal. So I was a little tipsy and as soon as I laid eyes on Wes, I walked straight to him.

Long story short, I confessed my feelings to him and he told me that he "cares about me too" but we should speak in the morning when we are both sober.

Now I was really proud of myself, that I was able to walk up to a guy and just tell him everything I feel. I never would have done that before. I guess that's a good example of liquid courage.

I walked out Carter's very happy.
Next morning, I get a call from my friend Meg, who is dating Wes roommate, Sean, telling me to stop liking Wes. I asked her why a bunch of times why but she was hesitant to tell me. She made me promise I won't say anything since Sean told her not tell me since he didn't want me to get upset.

"Bri, I'm only telling you this because you my girl and I don't want you to look stupid. But last night after you left Carter's, Wes brought a girl back to the house. And this morning we saw a different girl leaving his room."

"You know what's crazy? I confessed my feelings to him last night before I left," I say as a pit in my stomach starts to grow.

"Are you kidding me? What a pig! Do you want me to say something? He's in his room right now,I'll walk over there and lay him a new one." She says.

"Nah, don't worry about it Meg. Thanks for telling me though, I appreciate it."

Mind you, it's only been the first week of school and this happened. I can only imagine how my love life is gonna pan out for the rest of semester, if I ever have one again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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