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"Yo-Your Majesty?" I quickly tapped the shoulder of the guard to cut his mindlink before he could alert anyone.

I teleported the King and Eros just outside where the meeting of the council is being held. Surprisingly, I managed to teleport both of them with ease, something I never thought I could.

"Thanks. We'll take it from here." The two continued ahead and I watched until they were far enough before letting go of the guard and teleporting away. I sat alone in his office, closing my eyes to fully see through his eyes.

"...should start with the south."

"Agreed. We should take action immediately before it worsens, it will take time if we ask the King about it."

He seemed to stop at the entrance.

"What will take time?" He asked. Terrified, surprised. The unexpected attendance of the king has caught them off guard.

"My Lord." One of the council members, I suppose, asked.

"It seems that I was not invited to this small party." He continued walking forward, someone gave him the seat at the head of the table.

"We do not want to disturb you. We know you have been busy."

He casually sat on the chair with Eros standing behind him.

"Busy or not, I will make time for what if it is for the council."

'You can't stay there for long. Finish it quickly.' I linked him. Our objective is to let them know that we know somethings and also to serve this as a warning.

"What are we talking about then?"

They stared into each other before someone speaks. "There is news that the coven of vampires from the south are violating the agreement and are taking advantage of the humans in that area."

"Hmm... How come there were no reports regarding this matter?" The council is visibly holding out some information. "Do you know about this Eros?"

"No, My Lord."

"Huh? Uh... This is not a big of a news, we will send patrols to investi-"

"Not big news? They are implicating the treaty. So, if that is your basis on not reporting it, I would be concerned. I wonder if there is other news that has not been handed to my office."There was silence. Of course, they are caught in the act.

"No worries then, I will personally meet with Lord Alexander to talk about this."

"Thank you, My Lord."

Then, the sound of a door opening and footsteps caught everyone's attention. It was the former Alpha of SilverKnight and behind him is...

"Oh, you have another visitor."

"My Lord, it's a pleasure to meet you." The former Alpha does not seem to mind the tension.

"And who might this young man be?"

"This is Alpha Aiden Orpheus." What the hell is he doing there? "The current Alpha of SilverKnight."

"It's great to finally meet you." He stood up and handed out his hand. The other also did and they shook their hands, yet, the King stared at him.

'So, is this the prospective king?' He linked to me.

An aspiring king who rejected the guardian. Now this is an interesting turn of events. It is then true that if he assumed that I am weak, he should really reject me. He does not see me fit to rule by his side.

"I will not stay any longer, it seems that you have some important matters to talk about. Eros, let's go." He did not let them speak any longer and left.

But to judge someone as weak that will lead a king to be dethroned. Slightly annoyed and not wanting to even feel his presence, I laid my hand in front of me.

'I'll teleport you.' I warned the two and made them appear back in the office.

"What –?" Eros was surprised with my action. "You can do that."

"What do you think of me?" I may be weak but I am still a guardian.

"Eros, investigate this south coven immediately, but keep it low. I think there's more to this."

"Yes, My Lord. I will leave now. See you later, Lady Kore." He waved goodbye and left.

"SilverKnight huh." He sat beside me on the sofa. "I have heard of him recently. They were grooming him for quite some time and now they have found an opportunity." He laid his head back and I remember that he was tired of this. Politics is tiring, that's why I was not very supportive of this council. But it's too late for that now.

"So," He stared at the ceiling. "You know that guy." He did not ask, he knows. "Is he the reason why you are like that?"

"I'd assume that is rhetorical."

He smiled and I stared at him for a long time. "Can I take back my rejection?" He turned to me.

"If that's the case, I wouldn't have met you."

"Right. There's that annoying guardian. Tsk." He clicked his tongue and sat up. He's talking about Duke.

"I don't have the right to blame this SilverKnight but are you alright with this? If it comes to it, he will be the new king."

"I don't know. Maybe I won't be the guardian when that time comes."

He sighed. "Wanna take a stroll?"

"You're sick."

"Come on, let me take you out one more time."

"The king asking me out? Looks like I don't have a choice."

"So? My Lady?"

He stood up and laid out his hand, as if it was an invitation. No matter how mad I get, he always has a special place in my heart.

"Alright then."

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