Not Everything Is A Battle

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Takemichi felt the heat rise to his face.
He started feeling dizzy.


Takemichi put on a fake smile to show that everything was alright.

"Why are you holding my concorde?"
Mikey's voice sounded irritated, which really worried Takemichi, he didn't want to die yet!

"Sorry... It looked cool..."

Takemichi looked at the ground, using all of his courage to speak.

Senju was trembling, you could see her eyes watering, Takemichi looked at Senju. He gave her a reassuring smile.
'I'll protect you, Senju!'

Mikey face darkened, he clenched his fists. He walked over to Takemichi and took the toy from his hands.

"Just ask me next time Mitchy! Look me in the eye! I'm mad at you but you don't have to be so scared!!"

Mikey was about to put the toy back on its stand, but then he looked back at Takemichi.

"Do you still wanna play with it?"
Mikey looked at Takemichi with a bored expression.

"No.. it's fine, next time I'll ask you, sorry.."

"It's okay, I can always trust you, Mitchy!"

Mikey smiled and patted Takemichi's head.

"Let's go outside!"

Mikey held his hand open for Takemichi, waiting for him to respond.


Takemichi felt cold, he was so happy he stopped that event!

'Where is Senju?'

Takemichi went back inside to look for Senju, he saw her looking at the toy.

"Takemichi, Mikey will let me play with it if I ask, right?"

Senju had a big smile on her face, and Takemichi didn't want to say no.

"Senju.. how about I buy you your own? So we don't break Mikey's toy."

"I promise I'll be careful!"

"I know you'll be careful, but even then accidents still happen."

Senju crossed her arms and looked at the ground.

Takemichi went outside and looked for Mikey.

"Mikey, how much was that airplane toy?"

Mikey looked at Takemichi, he had a smug expression.
"I actually made it myself, ehehe!

Takemichi wasn't to worried, he could find a toy for Senju in a Walmart.

Takemichi went back inside and crouched down to Senju's level.

"Senju, do you still want to get a toy?"

Even though Senju was mad, she still wanted a toy! What 3rd grader would say no to that?

Senju slowly nodded.

"Okay! I'll ask your big brother if I can take you!"

He held Senju's hand, it felt like having a little sister.

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