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Footsteps were heard, indicating that someone was walking. The worst thing was that it got louder and louder, indicating that the person was walking towards her.

The woman stood on her ground, not moving a single centimetre as he spoke again.

"You know, you shouldn't be here," he said, taking another step closer to her and she tightened her clenched hand while her other appeared tense near the door handle, "How are you here?"

He didn't know the hidden entrance. That was good, very good. They can escape there without him knowing.

Then she felt a hand wrapped around her right wrist and another on her left forearm, forcing it to position behind her back. That alarmed her and caused her to activate her powers.

But before the crystal could cover her whole, a hand was wrapped around her neck, tightening its grip around it and stopping her from further using her special ability.

F/n coughed and held onto the forearm of the person to try and pull it off of her but darkness surrounded her and she soon fell unconscious.


F/n wouldn't have woken up if it wasn't for the loud bangings and rattles of metal against one another.

"What did you do to her?" a voice shouted loudly and it sounded like there were more who layered on his, "Answer you me, you malevolent psychopath!"

Slowly, she regained her consciousness and fluttered her eyes open, adjusting to the brightness of the place despite it being not too bright at all.

The man grinned when he saw her turning her head back and forth.

"Ah, you're finally awake," he said sinisterly, sending a shiver down her spine.

"F/n!" Mikasa shouted first, slamming her hands around the metal bars all while ignoring the throbbing pain after hitting it so much.

"F/n! Lay down! Don't move too much!" Hange frantically instructed as the woman started to sit up.

She touched the side of her head, vision hazy as she was still unstable. Muting out the shouts from the soldiers, she spoke for the first time in a few hours.

"Where...?" she muttered out the question, squinting her eyes as she tried to remember.

"You're in the dungeon still." It was Eren who responded. "You have to lay down. That... psychopath did something to you."

The man laughed sadistically before putting on a fake pout.

"That hurt," he monotonously said, making the boy grit his teeth and narrow his eyes even more, "I never did anything to her."

"You nearly killed her!"

A few soldiers flinched at the shout from their Captain as they had never experienced him be that frustrated about something. Maybe strict but never angry.

"Levi," Erwin warned, placing a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

"Calm down, lover boy," he rolled his eyes before facing the woman once again, causing her to cower in fear, "Aw, look at you. Just like your weakling of a mother."

The woman unwillingly let out a whimper as the man stepped forward despite the complaints from her friends.

"What should I do with you?" he mockingly questioned himself, "I know! Why not... A large ceremony just for your execution."

"No!" Mikasa exclaimed and the others shouted after her while Levi just glared at the man, tightening his hold on the iron bar.

"Brother, please," the man she called his father begged, "Don't-"

"You have no say to this," he interrupted, pointing an accusing finger at him, "You were the one who caused this and you should be glad it wasn't you in her place right now."

"Spare her," he murmured, "Take my life away instead."

"How brave of you," the Aigragallian sarcastically commented, "You had the chance to speak and now you can't. She found it. What I've been looking for. She found it, clearly. Is this why you didn't want to speak, brother? Because you want to see your daughter in a situation like this?"

The former Emperor did not say a word and instead kept his head lowered and his hands tightly wrapped together.

"Let her go!" Jean demanded, slamming his body against the cell door similar to how Eren previously did, "Let her go now!"

"Let her go, please!" Armin begged, already on his knees, sobbing, "Please!"


The group of tall, strong men react instantly, opening the cell door where the woman refused to leave. One pulled on her forearm, causing her to yelp in pain from her weak condition and her friends' worries to increase.

"No!" F/n shrieked, thrashing around and trying to get out of the guards' grasps.

But because of her condition, it appeared to be unsuccessful.

"Please!" Armin shouted, "She's our friend!"

The man stopped the guards for a moment, turning to face them with an emotionless expression plastered on his face, causing them to shudder in fear.

"Friend or not, I don't care," he retorted, signalling for the guards to continue their way as they continuously begged him, "No one was there for me when I needed them. Not even my family."

"Brother, please!" her father shouted after them and the man turned his body slightly to the side, raising the hope in them ever so slightly.

"You had the chance and you didn't use it. It's too late now. I'm winning, dear brother."

The shouts of complaints were muffled as the heavy door shut behind him. It was time, finally time for him to shine, to show the world that he was the true leader of the place and to get rid of all the evidence.

It was for him to prove himself. Might he get too overboard, he did not have a single care. It was his turn to move in this little game between the brothers and his time to win.

And he'll do anything to get rid of all the obstacles he had to pass through.

Even if it meant ending his niece's life.


𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐒 → 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now