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Namjoon's pov

I look at y/n eyes as she just looks at us with an open mouth. Jin Hyung yells at the others saying not to scare her but Yoongi Hyung says we already have. I agree with him, by the look on her face, it looks like she has stopped functioning. I feel worried in a way and call her name to get her attention, and it seems to make everyone quiet down as well. "y/n?" She shakes her head, seeming to try and get rid of the fog in her brain, "Yea I'm here, sorry I'm just..."

"Surprised?" "Shocked?!" "Can't handle 7 hot guys in front of you?" Then a slap can be heard then a cry from Jimin "Shut it you three" Jin says and the maknaes stay quiet and y/n giggles. Damn her giggle was the cutest. 

y/n's pov

I giggle as the three youngest get schooled by the oldest, Jimin more than the rest. Amid my laugh, it hits me, wait this is BTS. WAIT IT IS B T S. I start to panic inside and before I know it the worst starts to happen. "Wait is that a wall full of our posters?! She is an ARMY how cute!" Hobi says with a smile. As he says them all of them gasp and get closer to the screen to see my room better. 

"Um... no it's just random pictures of my friends that's all" I try to cover most of my wall with my body as I can. "Sure you have a poster of seven people and above it, it says O!RUL82?" Yoongi says as he raises an eyebrow. Shit, he has a point, I can't hide it anymore. I back away from my computer so I am not close anymore. "Wow, that's like every album we have ever put out! How long have you been an ARMY?" Hobi asks me and I slightly smile.

"Well I became an ARMY after Love Yourself Answer, but my first song was DNA!" I smile as I remember my baby ARMY days like it was yesterday. All of them start to ask me all these different questions some more intense than others. "Who is the most handsome?" Jin asks with a smirk as he laughs "Well you of course!" he smiles and me and winks "I like her already!" 

They keep asking questions and some I avoid like who my bias is and Jimin asking if I will go on a date with him, that question earned him a head flick from Namjoon this time. He glares at Jimin then turns to me "I think it's time for them to leave" He looks around almost pleading for them to leave and they slowly get up and walk away after saying bye. Jimin stops to say something but meets eyes with a glaring Namjoon and rushes off. 

"I am so sorry about that y/n They want to say hi and-" "Hey it's okay don't worry about it, they were really sweet to me without even knowing me" I smile as he nods saying that is just how they all are. We stare at each other for a bit before Namjoon speaks up. "Hey, I was gonna ask if you wanted to meet up at some point? I'd love to meet you in person." I nod a bit too fast but I don't care, and he smiles. "Okay I'll let you know a time and place, I will let you get back to your day!" We say our goodbyes and before he hangs up he says " By the way nice Koya plush" winks and hangs up.

I look down at my lap not realizing I must have grabbed my Koya plush during the call. I stare into the distance and smile before I remember something.... shit I still have that paper due. 

Word Count: 641

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