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Everything is black. I can hear people talking in the background.  They're talking about me. The layer of black is pulled off my eyes. I'm tied to a chair. Aaron and Kenji are in front of me, hands bound behind their backs. They both look as confused as I am. Suddenly Juliette comes into my line of vision and I hear someone come up behind me.

"Hello." My father's voice said. I attempt to turn around and face him but my restraints won't let me. "Juliette, would you start, please?"

I watch as she grabs Aaron around his neck. He begins to sputter and cough as she tightens her grip. Why is she helping him? This is the same girl who stood up to him and tried to shoot him. Aaron goes limp.

"Stop," I scream. "St-" A hand covers my mouth.

"Shhhh. The more you struggle the more this will hurt. Now you won't want to see this." My father says. I hear him cock a gun ad point it. The end is beside my head. I know who he's pointing at. I squeeze my eyes shut. I hear the gunshot. Kenji cries in agony.

"Y/n. You could've stopped this." My father tells me. "Maybe if you weren't so..." He pauses. "Weak."

The gun is pointed at my head. Tears are flowing out of my eyes but I can't speak. My father still has his hand covering my mouth. I hear him pull the trigger.

Someone is shaking me. I open my eyes and find Kenji staring at me. My cheeks are wet and I'm laying on the floor. I take breaths a few deep breaths as he watches me. I wipe the tears off my face when he says;

"You good?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I snap back.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you've been screaming for 15 minutes." 

"I have?"

"Yeah, the guards were getting worried so they came to get me."


"May I ask why?"


"Bout' what?"
I don't want to tell him it was about him.


"Ok..." He says it like a question.


"Nothing." He says, imitating me. "Come on." He motions for me to follow him.

"What, where? I'm not going anywhere."
He sighs and looks at me.

"Listen, Y/n, I'm tired, you're tired, I have to be up early tomorrow. So please just come."
I hesitate for a second, then reluctantly get up. He walks out the door and I come with him.  We don't say anything as we walk. We stop at a door. He looks between me and it before he opens it. I scan the room and see two others sleeping. He nods to a bed at the end of the room. I walk down and sit on it.

"Y/n, please, don't make this awkward, lay down, we both need to sleep." He whispers to me.

"Fine," I whisper back. I turn on my back and face the wall. I feel him lay down as well. I press up against the wall so we have some space between us. He lays on the edge.

Deep breaths, Y/n. This means nothing. I tell myself. I eventually fall asleep.

Kenji's POV (Bet you didn't see that coming;)

When I open my eyes Y/n is buried in my arms. Despite falling asleep miles apart we seem to have drifted together during the night. I untangle my arms from around her, trying not to wake her up. I don't want to leave her. The guards came to get me pretty late last night. They told me they didn't know what was happening. They were pretty sure she was going to hurt herself or break something, they thought she was awake. I manage not to wake her, or James and Adam for that matter, when I leave. I start to about my day waiting for her to wake up. I have to take her back to her room. I run into Kent and J in the hall. Adam sees me first.

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