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Harry's POV:

"No that's all I know about him. His name is Louis, he attends high school around here, he's tiny and utterly gorgeous." I state through the phone to Maverick, one of my men.

"Well I'm not sure how that last fact is going to help me find out more about him but I am on it. But can I ask what your infatuation with this kid is? This is the happiest I have heard you sound in years, literally." Maverick laughs.

With being in my line of work, it's rather easy to get a profile on anyone I please, and lord I want to know every single thing I can about Louis.

Maverick is one of my closest buds out of my group of guys. They technically all work for me but they have been since I was a teenager so we have had some time to get close.

Three of the boys actually live with me, Maverick being one of them and the other two being lads by the name of Zayn, and Niall. I would say they are the only people in the world I am slightly nice too, though they would argue that I never am. But compared to the other people in my life, god I treat them like royalty.

But they are hard workers, though I don't need the assistance, they are helpful to have around from time to time.

"I don't have to explain anything to you Maverick, just get me all you can on him. I want to know everything." I say, not even waiting for a response before hanging up the phone and walking into my office building.

I don't know why I can't get those little blue eyes out of my head. I mean the kid literally spilled coffee all over me and I couldn't even find it within myself to say a single word to him once I saw how just innocent and sweet he looked.

Literally, now even the idea of anyone saying something to him like what I was going to say to him makes me want to kill someone.

I have never even felt a serious attraction to anyone before yet I can't seem to get this fucking kid out of my mind.

I do my best to brush the smile off of my face at the thought of him as I begin to walk past the people in my office building whom I don't even remember the name of.

I was 17 when I overtook my dad's position as what some people call 'the mafia lord' personally that name makes me cringe but I never really gave a fuck as to what people say so I have never corrected it.

But when I overtook the position obviously suspicious had to be kept low so in order to do so, I started a company which I don't really even do shit on.

Technically my name is on the business but I have hired plenty of people to make it so I only have to come in here every few days and I can focus on my real job.

My real job is well legally frowned upon but I own the police, they fear me just as much as the rest of London does and I will be keeping it that way.

However sadly today is one of the days where I am required to come in but I guess if I didn't have to come in then I wouldn't have got to run into little blue eyes.

I walk through the office floor, already annoyed with all the eyes I feel on me, I'm their boss I get it but Jesus Christ just do your work.

"Hello Mr. Styles, it's nice to see you." My secretary greets me in her strange flirtatious manner but I just walk past her not even sparing her a glance, I want my information on Louis and I am not going to get it by standing in the hallway of my office.

I close and lock the door behind me as I step into my  office.

I open up my laptop as I sit down behind my desk, knowing that Maverick works fast and I should have a profile on little blue eyes for me.

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