Piano & Calligraphy

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I couldn't get to sleep, so I got up and left. I bought some juice from the lobby's vending machine and headed back for the elevator.

Chie: Bad Kiyotaka-kun, you should be asleep at this time.

Ayanokouji: Is it not allowed for me to get juice at night?

Chie: Of course it's allowed. But, be careful. It's extremely dangerous for such a handsome boy like you to be walking around at night. You don't know who's thirsty as well~

Sae: Keep your concerns to yourself, Chie.

Ayanokouji: 'What in the world is that even supposed to mean? Why does it matter if someone's thirsty at night like me?'


I could see that the elevator had stopped on the seventh floor. Curious, I decided to check out the CCTV, which showed what was happening inside the elevator car. I saw Horikita, still dressed in her school uniform.

Nene: Hmm? What is she doing at this time of the night? She can't be thirsty as well, is she? Or is she thirsty for something else!?

Satou: Oh, I see now, Horikita-san. I don't commend what you're doing, but whatever it takes, am I right?

Horikita: What are you talking about?

Satou: You planted a gps tracker on Ayanokouji-kun. Then, when you saw that he wasn't in his dorm, you left to find him and pounce on him for a delicious time!

Horikita: Delicious time? What's that supposed to mean?

Satou: It's fine, it's fine. You don't have to hide it.

Horikita: No, I really don't get it.

Satou: Whatever you say~

Kushida: I hope she gets raped by Yamauchi in an alley while chocking on her own blood and pissing his cum.


Sudou: What the fuck did you just say, bitch!?

Hirata: Calm down, Kushida-san! There's no need to wish something so disturbing upon someone! She already said that she has no interest in your secret, didn't she!?

Ichinose: Yeah, there's no reason to be so violent and say such disturbing things!

Kushida: Sorry~ I just speak whatever comes to my mind now, since my little secret is out. Teehee~

Kushida let out a wink, completely confusing the audience who heard her vile comments less than a minute ago.

Ryueen: Kukuku! What an interesting girl.

Arisu: My, my~ What a frightening imagination.

Amikura: Her imagination is terrifying...

Hashimoto: I'll give her an A for creativity.

Horikita: Do you still hate me that much? I wasn't even the one that revealed your secret.

Kushida: You weren't, but I don't care. You still caused me a bunch of problems.

Horikita: You were the one that refused to back down no matter how much I tried to get along with you.

Kushida: Don't care, don't care! I'm a one way mind girl. If I don't like something, I don't like something.

"Well, I don't really need to hide, but..."

Nishino: Look at this little perverted stalker, stalking his prey like what a stalker does.

Ayanokouji: That's not what I was doing.

Nishino: Of course I know that! I was just joking, Ayanokouji-kun.

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