Chapter 2 - The plan

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I had spent years gathering information and scouting out potential real estate. I felt 100% ready to present what I had to my father, but as I stood in my room staring at my presentation I feared he would go ballistic.

In a last effort to pump myself up I called Taylor. After 3 rings he picked up.

"Hello" sounded his groggy voice.

"Can you come to my room? I'm getting ready to go talk to my father and I need you to help pump me up. I'm losing it." I rushed out.

"I'll be right there!"

3 minutes later he sat slumped into my reading chair looking excitedly at my presentation.

"It looks great! He's gonna be very proud that you have put this much effort into what you are planning!" He jumped up and gave me a hug. " Now go before you chicken out. I'll go with you love!"

He picked up my papers and handed me the presentation, then he shoved me out of my bedroom. He tangled his arm in mine and practically dragged me to the Alpha's office. Once there he knocked once before he was granted entrance.

My father, David, sat at his desk sifting though paperwork. When he looked up and saw that it was Taylor and I he sat his pen down and smiled.

"What a pleasure. Hello baby girl. Hello Taylor. What can I help you with, love?" He asked sweetly.

"Daddy, I need the get something off of my chest."

"Well you have my full attention. Sit down dear."

I set up my presentation and gripped my paper slightly tighter.

" I want to buy property and build a house on it! " I rushed out almost too quickly.

His face contorted into confusion as he thought over his response. I didn't give him the chance to respond before I rushed out again.

" More specifically I want to buy property, build a large house, and grow a pack of my own. I want to be more than a secondary option at alpha. I want to help those cast out or abandoned. I want to help those whole have had hardship in their lives. I want to be a force in this world Daddy!"

The first emotion I saw was shock. He then went straight to confused and then the dreaded anger. He wasn't going to strike me or strike at me. I knew his anger came from the fact that I said I wanted to leave. I am his only daughter. His baby girl. His sugar. So me leaving is like losing a leg. He feels physically pained by the fact that I want to branch out.

After the anger passes I see the understanding shine across his face. He was actually considering this. It's not totally uncommon for alpha children to branch off their pack, but it's also not an everyday occurrence.

" I just want to make my impact on the world Daddy". I whispered softly.

" I will tell you what. Leave your research and your presentation here and I will discuss this with your mother in detail later. After dinner we will have a private meeting to discuss my decision. Fair?" He asks.

"Yes daddy. Thank you. I love you." I stand and give him a hug and kiss and make my way out the door. I hear an I love you too as I'm closing the door.

I turn and slide down the wall next to the door with my head in my hands. Fear coursing through my mind as I mull over what just happened. So many thoughts and doubts rush so quickly to the front of my mind it makes me dizzy.  I need a run I think in my head. My wolf agrees almost instantly.

" Lex wants a run so I think I'm gonna go do that. Do you want to train in the gym in about an hour?" I say to Taylor as I stand from my position on the floor. He answers me with a short yes and doesn't push conversation knowing I will just blow off any questions he has.

I need time to think about what could happen. This run will be spent in the back of my mind while Lex enjoys her small amount of freedom.

I run outside and shift directly into my mahogany colored wolf. When I hit the ground Lexi dashes into the woods at full speed ready to hunt. I allow her to have full control for almost the whole hour. 2 deer and a poor unsuspecting rabbit later she is fully satisfied with the run and I take back control.

I head for the pack house just as I catch scent of my brother. He steps out of the bushes as his large and looming dark grey wolf and shifts back.

"We need to talk." He states and sits on a fallen tree nearby as I go to shift.

When I come back he leans there with his arms crossed.

" Why didn't you come to me first?"  He asked before I can even open my mouth.

" I knew asking you would be the easy way out. I had to ask dad. You would have supported me 100%. He is going to question everything and he's going to over analyze it. Which is what I need."

" I can understand that I guess. I just wished you had talked to me. We tell each other everything!"  He pouts.

" I will tell you from now on!" I giggle at his childishness.

After that we make our way back to the pack house and go our separate ways. Him to fathers office and myself to the gym to train with Taylor.

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