Gerard Pitts

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   Little clicks and thumps sounded across the table as Pitts fiddled with his and Meeks's radio. They had gotten it to work a few times, but they would have to alter the settings to get it to catch a signal again. "Shit." The small screwdriver dropped onto the table. His hands flew up and pulled at the skin of his face as they traveled down. "What happened?" He sucked at his teeth as he picked up the screwdriver. "One of the modules fell loose and I can't get it tightened on right. I keep bumping my knuckles against it." He started to prod again with the screwdriver. "Meeks can fit his hands in right but he's busy with college interviews."

   I got up and moved to his left. "Let me try." He looked up at me. "You don't know how it works." I plucked the screwdriver from his hand and scooted the radio closer. "Just tell me what to do." He hesitated a moment before standing so I could take his seat. Once I was seated, he moved behind me. "You'll have to slide the screwdriver under that plastic piece there and pry it up, but not too hard. Just enough to move it." I moved the tool so that it was pushed under the plastic piece. "Like this?" 

   "Uh, yeah, sorta." His hands began to guide my movements, forcing the plastic piece to move and dislodge without breaking. "That was supposed to happen, right?" I heard a small 'mhmm' over my shoulder telling me I was right. "Now you can get to these screws beside the module here, and here." He pointed out the screws and I nodded showing that I understood. "If you can move your hands around the module, you should be able to tighten the screws." I maneuvered my fingers, avoiding bumping anything as I began to tighten the screws. "You did a better job than Meeks. Maybe it'll actually stay this time. Now, just place that plastic piece back on and press on the corners until it clicks into place." He handed me the piece and I put it into place. "Is that it?" 

   He nodded and turned the module. "Yup, perfect." He placed his hands on my shoulders, a grin forming on his face. "Wanna see if we can get this to work?" 

   Avoiding the wet tree limbs and leaves that had settled on the roof since the last rain, we made our way to the ledge. Pitts placed the radio down and handed me a headset, putting on his own. He held up the antenna and began to adjust the radio settings. A couple minutes passed before his hands flew up in victory. "Got it!" He put down the antenna and propped it against the radio so it would stay. The sound of Shout by The Isley Brothers filled my ears. A hand reached out to me, connected to a tall boy already twisting on his heels to the rhythm.

   Upon taking his hand, he started spinning me and pulling away only when the word 'SHOUT!' met our ears. Turning this way and that, throwing our hands in the air, and leaning back down to take each other's hands.

Don't forget to say you will
Don't forget to say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (say you will)
Say it right now, baby (say you will)
Come on, come on (say you will)
Say it, oh (say you will)
Come on now (say)

   He pulled me so that I spun toward him. His arms wrapped around my waist as we swayed to the music.

Say that you love me (say)
Say that you need me (say)
Say that you want me (say)
You wanna please me (say)
Come on now (say)
Come on now (say)
Come on now (say)

   By the end of the song we were both laughing, our faces hot and damp with perspiration. I clinged to the fabric of his white button up, trying to hold myself up as I continued to laugh. Once I had finished, I looked up to see him looking down at me with a smile. The radio announcer introduced the next song, Put Your Head On My Shoulder by Paul Anka.

Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh-so-tight
Show me that you love me too

   I let go of his shirt, moving my hands up and lacing them together behind his neck. His own hands found their way to my waist. We began to sway to the music. I thought looking into someone's eyes for a long period of time would be awkward. But in this instance, it wasn't awkward at all. It felt like a natural impulse, one he was matching. 

Put your lips next to mine, dear
Won't you kiss me once, baby?
Just a kiss goodnight, maybe
You and I will fall in love (you and I will fall in love)

   Hazel fading into blue. I never got a good look at his eyes until now. I hadn't noticed that we had gotten closer until I felt his breath on my lips. 

People say that love's a game
A game you just can't win
If there's a way
I'll find it someday
And then this fool will rush in

   "Do you think you'll like Yale?" I asked softly, not breaking eye contact. "I think so. It'll be nice to get to go live my life." Everyone was leaving, including him. "It's awfully far." Seventeen went by in a heartbeat. All these memories made and implanted in my mind. 

Put your head on my shoulder
Whisper in my ear, baby
Words I want to hear, tell me
Tell me that you love me too (tell me that you love me too)

   "It doesn't have to be." My brows scrunched together in confusion. "What do you mean? It's miles between here and there." A look passed over his face. Uncertainty? Nervous, maybe? "Come with me." I stopped swaying and pulling the headset down so it rested on my shoulders. He copied the action. "You'd be in college, Pittsie. I'd hardly even see you." He shook his head. "I'd see you every chance I get. After class, before class, lunch, night, weekends, whenever. I'd make time for you. And if you wanted to go to college, we'd figure something out. We'd make it work." The warmth of his hands enveloped mine. "I want to make this work. If you'll let me." 

   My heart pounded against my ribcage as I digested his words. A smile crept onto my face and I gently took his own face in my hands. "Well, then. Let's make this work, Pittsie." A big, goofy, grin grew upon his features as he pulled my face towards his. Our lips connected, heat passing between them as we held each other.

Author's note:
I don't know if these seemed too rushed. I read fast so I can't really tell. I tried to use songs that most people know. Anyways, Pitts is cute♡.

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