Simp (a blurb)

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Rafe Cameron. The King Kook of the Eight. Also king simp of all boyfriends. Here he was dating the Queen Kook, you were given that nickname after making your dating life with Rafe public back in high school. In all honesty, he liked the sound of it and would do anything to make sure you remained his Queen until time ended.

You didn't feel well on a friday night? He was there with you making homemade soup (nearly burning the kitchen down) and asking if you drank any water every 10 minutes. Literally. He set a timer.

You were in your feelings or just down in the dumps? Expect at least 3 bouquets of flowers at your door by the end of the day. Of course all of your favorites and hand delivered.

You wanted a picnic on the beach. Expect a full tent with an array of different snacky finger foods to choose from and your favorite alcoholic beverages.

Tonight he was being the biggest simp of all. Holding your purse and three more of your friend's purses while you partied AND he was your DD for the night. (The other girls had their own means of getting home thank goodness). Of course he offered to do it and was happy to be there. Seeing you in your (drunken) element with your friends after a tough week of school and work, you needed this night off and he was happy to just be there with you.

This was the 4th bar of the night and Rafe could see your energy getting lower by the second. Across the dance floor the two of you made eye contact. He tilted his head to the side as to ask if you were okay which you responded with a shake of your head. He smiled as you shouted something to the girls and they nodded in response. Of course Rafe couldnt hear over the blasting music. "Hi" You spoke over the music before planting a kiss on your boyfriends cheek while trying to untangle the straps of the purses.

Finally your drunken fingers got your purse separated from the other three, immediately handing yours back to Rafe. "Ill be right back I promise" You slurred before stepping away to push through the crowd again. Rafe couldnt help but to laugh. Your small body pushing through people like a bulldozer. It was always a sight, drunk or sober. Finally he saw you pushing your way back to him, empty handed. It was time to go home.

"Im ready" you slurred again with your hand wrapping itself around Rafe's forearm. With a quick press of a kiss to your forehead he was leading you out the crowd and to the front door. Finally you were both out and could take a deep breath. "Did you have fun?" Rafe questions with a smile pulling at his face. "course I did. Thank you for doin this tonight. Promise I'll do it for you 'n the boys one night"

Your words were mumbled and ran together when you spoke and Rafe couldn't help but to laugh at them. "Let's get you home okay?" That was all your beau was worried about at this point was making sure you were safely in your bed with him. "If you feel sick let me know okay? Ive got a hair tie on my wrist, gum and water in the car and wipes to wipe your mouth" He spoke softly as you two walked the block to his car.

The roads were quiet on the way home, not too many people passing you by while Rafe drove. "Home again. Home again." He muttered, cutting on the dash light to see you asleep in his passenger seat. All Rafe could do was smile at your relaxed face even if it was smushed against the leather material of the seat.

Rafe knew he was a simp for his girl but he wouldn't have it any other way. You were end game for him and he had known that since he first laid eyes on you.

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