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"yes. for a celebrating something..." Azill avoid eyes contact with everyone who have their eyebrows up while looking questionably at the older man.

"anyway, be prepared. this time it will be different than the others you've been seeing." Azill said with smirk on his face.

"okay?" the people just agreed confusedly, not knowing what the golden eyes man saying.

"alright, now I warn you that-" Azill words got cut off when suddenly there's a sudden presence coming right up. every people in the theater that have a high sense or can do Haki get tense when they feel the presence of this person.

and then, puff! a person appear in the middle of the theater, right beside Azill who sigh after knowing who the person is.

"Agh- that bastard.. she just making me got into trouble, again." the person hissed as he landed butt first on the floor. he held his hand on his head as he slowly stood up.

"Arz, what are you doing here?" Azill ask with raised eyebrow and stare at the young man.

"what am I doing here?! well ask that to Kirine or your bastard lil brother!" he shout angrily at the more older man.

"chill, dude." Azill rise his hand in front of him making a defensive move.

Arz with the actual name is Aryaz, a young man around 17 years old and stood in the height of 5'6 feet tall. he have a white short hair and a bit sharp ears. his eyes is black with his iris the color of light blue. what stood is, he have a horns in his upper forehead that the color is dark blue, almost black, and a tail of demon that lit blue fire at the end of it. he clearly is a race of real demon, not that the people known if it exist in their world. but, yeah, he is.

"haish.. so what, I have to be with your event of works or what?" he ask, a bit more calm.

"sure, not that I mind.. and if you want, there's some people you want to see since child, right?" Azill ask in whisper to him while pointing at a certain people.

"wait- is that Luffy?!" he shout with an eye of sprinkles in aweness. he turn back to Azill and cocked an eyebrow, "why did the strawhat crew is not like Luffy, from Wano?"

"timelines." replied the brunette, though he was confused on how this young man think so fast.

Arz put an 'o' face and turn back to everyone before bowing slightly to them and put on hand on his chest. it's a gentle and polite manners for a man.

"ahem, sorry for my rudeness for barging in.. some certain person brought me here without my agreement. yeah, anyway, my name is Aryaz, but prefer getting called Arz. I'm not that old.. my age is just the same as the actual current Strawhat Luffy."

"what a gentleman.."

"so polite.."

"ah, so, he's my age." said Usopp.

"anyway, help me put those thing on." Azill pointed behind him at some project and case that scattered around the floor underneath the screen.

Arz stood up straight and give a quick glare towards Azill before turn to what he was pointing and just do what he said.

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