Chapter 11: The Betrayal

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Gomez lifted a lid off of a tray to find Pugsley napping on it.

"Look, our little boy." Morticia cooed.

"All tuckered out." Gomez sighed.

"It's so sweet. He looks just like a little entree."

Pugsley groaned and woke up. "Where's the party?" He asked sleepily.

"It's over darling. Have you seen your brother and (Y/n)?" Morticia asked him.

"Not since before the Mamushka." Pugsley answered.

"Gomez." Morticia worried.


Lurch opened up a map of the property.

"Fan out. Pugsley, head for the dung heap. Mama and Morticia, the shallow graves. I'll take the abyss. Lurch, check out the bottomless pit. Fester?"

"Up here!" Fester yelled from his window.

"Fester, you take the ravine and the unmarked abandoned well." Gomez yelled up at him.

"Someone should stay behind, in case they come back!" Fester yelled back.

"Good man. Good thinking." Gomez praised.

"Then who'll take the swamp?" Grandma asked.

Thing came up to Gomez and tapped his shoe.

"That's the spirit Thing. Lend a hand. Let's go."

They all spread out and began searching for Wednesday.

Fester watched from his window before his mother got his attention.

"Gordon! Don't dawdle." She scolded.

The two went downstairs to see Tulley relaxing in an armchair.

"What are you doing?" Mrs. Craven demanded.

"I'm relaxing. Taking a little sun." Tulley responded.

"Have you gone mad?" She snapped at him.

"Au contraire." He said smugly.


Lurch lifted up a car and looked underneath it, not finding anything.


Pugsley wandered through thick branches.

"Wednesday! (Y/n)!" Pugsley called.


"(Y/n)! Wednesday!" Grandma called as she and Morticia looked into a cave.


Thing hopped along lily pads as he searched the swamp for the two teenagers.


Gomez walked through the graveyard and entered the crypt. He smiled as he saw Wednesday and (Y/n) cuddle up together on top of the stone coffin.

He grabbed his sons shoulder and shook him awake.

"Wednesday? Wednesday!" He whispered.

Wednesday's eyes opened and he looked up at his father.

"We've been looking everywhere for you two. Come, it's time to come home." He told him. "Shall I wake (Y/n)?"

"No. Let her sleep." Wednesday replied. He picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the crypt.


The family made their way back to their house, only to see the gate covered with police tape and a sign that said 'Addams Family Keep Out.'

"What is this?" Gomez asked in confusion.

"This is a restraining order." Tulley announced.

"A restraining order?"

"Yes. It requires you to keep a distance of 1,000 yards away from this house." Tulley informed him.

(Y/n) had woken up from all the noise. "What's going on?" She whispered to Wednesday.

"I'm not entirely sure." He replied.

"I am restrained from my own house?" Gomez asked in disbelief.

"Not your house mustache. Not anymore. It belongs to the oldest living descendant, the elder brother. Fester Addams." Tulley explained.

"Fester adores Gomez." Morticia said.

"Oh, no. He's afraid of him. Seeing the twins brought it all back. You're bitter rivals Gomez."

"I demand to speak with Fester." Gomez demanded.

"Sorry. No can do. He's very hurt. Just leave. (Y/n) come with me."

"What? No way!" (Y/n) stated firmly.

"Oh yes way. Your grandmother still has custody over you. You stay where she stays." Tulley said to her.

Wednesday pulled (Y/n) closer to him. "She's not going back to that woman." He snapped.

"We'll see about that." Tulley threatened, and walked away.

"(Y/n), what is he talking about?" Morticia asked.

"I'm so sorry everyone. I've haven't been entirely truthful." She sniffed.

"What do you mean?" Gomez asked.

"She isn't The Alford's niece. She's Dr. Pinder-Schloss's granddaughter, who isn't even a real doctor. She and Uncle Fester were planning to steal our family fortune and tricked (Y/n) into helping them." Wednesday explained.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know their real intentions. I thought I was helping my family. Please don't let me go back with her, she'll kill me!" (Y/n) begged.

"(Y/n), you lied to us, you deceived us, and you were planning on stealing from us. I knew I liked you for a reason. Don't worry dear. We'll help you." Morticia promised.

"Have no fear. Justice shall prevail. The courts will decide. They say a man who represents himself has a fool for a client. Well, with God as my witness, I am that fool!" Gomez told them confidently.


"Therefore, it is with no small amount of personal satisfaction that I declare Fester Addams legal executor of the Addams estate and rightful owner of all possessions and properties contained therin with one exception." The Judge announced, and picked up a bucket of gold balls. "Gomez Addams, I believe these are yours." He poured the golf balls onto the stand. "Furthermore, I also declare that (Y/n) (L/n) is under the full custody of Mrs. Abigail Craven and is denied emancipation."


Gomez sat in the back of the car defeated while the rest of the Addams Family packed up their things and loaded them into the car.

(Y/n) looked out of her window from the room she had been locked in and glanced down at Wednesday.

Wednesday looked up at her and vowed that he would get her out of there, no matter what.

Once the family had loaded their things into the car, they drove away from their house. Leaving a crying Gate and behind them.


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