Chapter 1: All About the Chase

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Author's Note: Hello again my rabid readers, and a big hello to any new readers. As you might've guessed from my posting this: I'm not dead. I have been working myself into the fucking ground with college and a job, however. As I'm starting full-time work (YAY for actually getting a livable salary) next month and continuing part-time college until next year, I'm going to be honest and warn you not to expect regular updates on anything in the near future. I have been doing a lot of writing, largely planning the exact sequence of events out for Tyrant Rising and Lethal Injection so I can really get stuck into writing them when I finally do have time to devote to them again.

This story is not something I've been working on for very long, the idea has been rattling around for a month or two, inspired by some fan art I stumbled across on Pinterest funnily enough. And inspired by a fan art which I legitimately found by accident on Reddit, if you're curious, just search Annabeth into Reddit with NSFW on and look at the top posts. You'll find something that looks pretty familiar from this chapter (;. Everything you see below was written today, however, because I've been feeling a need to write some nice fluffy lemony goodness recently and that's pretty much what this is. If you just want action and adventure/horror like Lethal Injection/Tyrant Rising, probably not the story for you. Otherwise, enjoy!

Percy sighed, the rhythmic tapping of his pen melding with the droning voice of his Calculus teacher as she tried to pretend they hadn't all stopped listening to her the second they were accepted to college. If someone had told him that school would somehow suck more once he was finally done with all the actual work, he would've laughed. Or fallen on Riptide. Or tried harder to convince Annabeth that it was a totally not dumb idea to investigate that crocodile he saw in the East River.

The thought of Annabeth dragged his eyes to the window, where he could just make out the vague outline of the Empire State Building through the gentle snowfall that had been blanketing the city for the past week. She'd told him she was almost done remodelling Olympus when they'd texted last night and promised that she would make the time for them to hang out before returning to San Francisco for Christmas.

The hand not occupied in tapping Riptide against the desk moved to toy with the corner of his phone, wondering whether it would seem weird and desperate to message her and ask if she'd finished again so soon. Then he found himself wondering how, exactly, it could be weird to just text his friend and ask how things were going? He'd texted Grover a half-dozen times so far today, rescheduling their movie night after Grover got caught up helping a young Seeker escort another child of Aphrodite back to camp. Seriously, what had been up with her 10 years ago?

Is it just because she's a girl? Percy postulated, before rolling his eyes at the fact that he'd clearly been spending too much time with Wise Girl if he was using words like 'postulated.' Even as the idea occurred, however, Percy was already dismissing it. Thalia was a girl (when she wasn't busy being a tree), and they'd been texting back and forth almost constantly since the Battle of Olympus.

Speaking of which, Percy slid his phone from his pocket with as much stealth as his semi-divine dexterity could grant him before glancing down swiftly to satisfy the Face ID. Without more than a glance downward, he navigated to his messages and read Thalia's latest text with a grin.

"How're those midterms treating ya? Regretting turning down immortality yet?" The message was finished off with an emoji sticking its tongue out in a way that was supposed to be innocently humorous but, coming from Thalia, somehow managed to be both mocking and superior at the same time.

His lips twisted into a crooked grin at the playful teasing, "Pretty good, especially since they finished last week. How's the snow in that tent of yours?" He added a grinning devil emoji and some snowflakes just to drive the point home. The smile faded slightly as the ease of bantering with Thalia only served to reinforce how feeble the explanation for not texting Annabeth seemed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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