anxious mornings~

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(y/n)'s pov

At 7 am the next morning, the alarm clock made the girl rise out of bed, only to fall back into almost instantly at the overwhelming pit of anxiety gnawing at her stomach. In hindsight, transferring to Welton in support of receiving a higher education seemed like a good idea. Now, on her very first day, it seemed like the worst mistake of her entire life. Groaning slightly as she stretched her body to grow accustomed to movement after sleeping for so long, (y/n) tried to mentally prepare herself for the day ahead. Of course, the first thing she did was open her bedroom's window and water her plants. All the while, she let her mind play out horrific scenarios involving her embarrassing herself and coming up with ways to prevent them.

I did not take the girl long to dress, for her Welton uniform was still sitting on her desk chair from the night before. It consisted of brown oxfords, a blue and red plaid skirt, white button-up shirt and a gray sweater, topped off with the school's tie. Luckily for her, she had gotten dorm adjacent to the restroom, so that she would be able to have some privacy. She opened her room door and went into the bathroom to wash her face and apply her usual makeup, as well as brush her teeth. Also lucky for her, majority of the boys were not awake and those who were awake were bustling around their dorms, likely getting ready. 

"Alright, (y/n)," she spoke into the mirror, trying to motivate herself "it's time to start your new life. Make sure you kick ass!" she winked at herself before flipping her hair and leaving the room to go for breakfast. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The boys' pov

"Hey," Charlie says to the others that morning as they got ready for their first day back at Hell-ton. "so what do you guys think of the new girl?" Neil promptly smacks him with a comb, earning a yelp from the other boy.

"Charlie, don't even start," he chastises, pointing his finger at him "she's probably scared to death - I know I would be if I had to be a girl dealing with you fellas." Laughter rang out, relieving some of the tension in the room. 

"Aw, c'mon Neil," Knox whined from where he was expertly knotting his tie in the mirror with flourish "you have to admit, she is quite beautiful." Neil only frowned, while Todd glanced at him expectantly from across the room, praying that Neil wouldn't agree with Knox.

"Well," he shrugs "she seems very nice, and obviously brilliant if she ended up at Hellton with us." Gerard Pitts nodded. 

"Yeah, my Pops was talking to Mr. Nolan about her the other day and apparently she was the top student at Chester, out of six hundred." Meeks' jaw dropped. Top student was quite a feat, especially when competing against so many other scholars. Pitts looked over at his best friend, only to see his face and smirk. "Hey, doofus, you dropped this." the tall boy bent down and mimed picking something up off the ground, offering it to Meeks. He just slapped Pitts' hand away, trying to brush his reaction off.

"I'm not even top student," he reasoned "and I'm the best at everything!" Cameron snorted.

"Yeah, as if Meeks, I'm the best." The gang rolls their eyes, being accustomed to this certain argument. 

"Alright, alright," Charlie puts his hands on either of their shoulders "ladies, you're both gorgeous enough to be with me! Yeesh, stop bickering and let's go get some damn food."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

3rd person pov

After getting herself some pancakes drowned in maple syrup and too a cup of coffee, the bell tolled to signal the beginning of the school day. Halfway throughout the meal, (y/n) took notice of the group of particularly odd gentlemen that she met the night before approaching her at her table. 

"Mind if we sit?" Knox asked, gesturing at the otherwise empty table. (y/n) nodded and set down her mug of caffeine, before she found herself sandwiched between Charlie and Cameron. The former wrapped his arm around her as a joke. 

"Morning, dearest" he says, flashing her his award-winning grin. The girl rolls her eyes and decides to play along with his shenanigans. 

"Ah, Charlie darling," she winks at Todd, who feels himself smile because frankly, he was fed up with how Charlie looked at Neil every second of the day. "surely you wouldn't mind carrying my books around, hmm?" Cameron laughs, a little too enthusiastically for Meeks' liking.

"Your accent," Cameron says  - between bites of eggs - "it's so funny to hear that type of an accent here! I mean, I'm not complaining but-" Pitts interrupts him by pretend vomiting his breakfast. (y/n) nearly spits out her coffee and starts laughing quietly, so as to not irritate Dr. Hager. Meeks can't help but watch her in awe, praying that he got the chance to hear her laugh every day. Neil reaches across the table to snatch up (y/n)'s paper schedule. 

"Hmm, let's see," he says whilst pulling on his round reading glasses "ooh, that's wonderful! First period: Chemistry. Second Period: Latin. Third Period: Calculus?! How are you taking calculus already?" (y/n) shrugs.

"At Chester, I did Trig in my second year of secondary, so I've no need for it this year," she explains "however, I did in fact need another math credit so I chose calculus." Knox nearly chokes on his toast.

"Why would you ever, ever choose calculus?" he asks in disbelief. (y/n) looks at him as if he was insane for not taking calculus.

"Because," she states simply "Yale frowns upon scholars who haven't a thorough understanding of all mathematics." Charlie shakes his head. 

"Well, would you like daisies or carnations at your funeral?" he asks "When calculus kills you, (y/n), I'll make sure you get the service you deserve." Meeks looks over at Charlie, in shock.

"Oh, please," he says "she's obviously a genius, Charlie. She's going to be fine." Charlie rolls his eyes while (y/n) looks down at her half-finished meal.

"Whatever, Meeksie, excuse me for trying to be gentleman." Neil nudges Todd with his knee under the table, sending electric shocks through the blond. 

"How much do you want to bet that Charlie's dumb jokes end up stealing (y/n)'s heart?" Todd looks confused at Neil. 

"I-I'm not sure, um," he stutters "I don't know her that well, so I have no idea." Neil smiles mischievously at him. 

"Well, we better change that then, hmm?"

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a/n: yay, small anderperry moments! also, how are we feeling about meeks and (y/n) so far? I tried to make charlie accurate to how he is in my DR. he flirts with (y/n), but it's all platonic, dw ;)

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