The Boy Born With Nothing

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With the two L/n cousins, they're seen standing together in an empty hallway. Gwen leaned on one side and Y/n leaned on the other. She had her eyes narrowed at her cousin.

"So... here we are," Y/n said.

"Yeah," Gwen nodded. "Now spill it."

Y/n sighed as he took a moment to think about what he was going to say. He knew it would be hard to believe, but he had no choice. Gwen knew whatever he had wasn't a Quirk, so he had to confess. There was no other option.

"Okay, I know this is gonna sound weird, but it's true," Y/n lifted up up arm to show his watch. "You're right, this isn't some Quirk. It's a watch from outer space."

Gwen simply blinked in surprise. Then she laughed.

"What's so funny?" the watch bearer asked. "It's the truth!"

"Oh, I know it is," Gwen wiped away a tear. "I was just expecting some super bogus answer, like you made it or something."

"That's insulting to my intelligence," Y/n crossed his arms.

"What intelligence?" his cousin grinned. "Wait, sorry. Not the time. How did you find it?"

"It was in this weird space pod where a dead alien was in the forest behind my house," Y/n stated. "It just jumped up onto my arm and stayed there. It won't come off either."

"Weird..." the energy manipulator rubs her chin in thought. "Who else knows about it?"

"Other than us? My mom and Shinso," the alien shapeshifter says.

"You haven't told the school?" Gwen questioned. "Or the authorities?"

"What? No! Are you crazy?" Y/n asked his cousin. "If anyone else finds out about this thing, it can be real trouble."

"How so?"

"'Cause the night I found it, these weird robots nearly killed me, Mom, and Shinso. And there was this bigger robot that nearly destroyed my neighborhood," Y/n explains. "It means someone's after the watch, and if they're willing to hurt innocent people, I won't let them have it."

Gwen looked at her cousin in shock. She's never seen the kind of shine in his eyes that he does now. But then her cousin spoke again.

"But... there's another reason, too," Y/n looks at his watch. "This watch... I've only had it for two weeks and it feels like it's a part of me. If the authorities find out about it, they may try to take it away. They might even succeed." The General Studies student takes in a breath. "This watch makes me feel special, Gwen. More special than I ever had in my entire life. If it gets taken away... I don't know what I'll do."

"Y/n..." Gwen uncrossed her arms as she looked at her cousin. "Look, I know I pick at you a lot, but that doesn't mean I think low of you. You're just as--"

"If you're gonna say that I'm as special as anyone else, then you can stop. Mom's used that one on me before, and we all know it isn't true," the watch bearer cuts his cousin off. "This world is full of people hundreds of times more special than me. They all have something to be proud of, like their Quirk. Look at you! You're Quirk is amazing! I was supposed to get one, too, but..."

Y/n sniffles a bit as he recalled that fateful day when he was five. Gwen remembered it, too. She was there, after all.

Ten Years Ago...

Inside a doctor's office, Y/n can be seen with his uncle and cousin. M/n was at her job, so she had asked her brother-in-law to take him for a check-up. Y/n hasn't been showing any signs of having a Quirk, and she wanted to know why.

Y/n 10 (BNHA x M!Ben 10 Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora