Chapter Twenty Nine

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Everybody was staring at Skylar like she was a ticking time bomb, about to go off any second. But all Skylar could do was smile, and give Mohammad a congratulations whenever she saw him next at school. He deserved the first place award. Besides, even if she didn't win the $5000 from the short story contest, it still gave her so much in return than she ever could've imagined. For one, it helped her segway into the whole fake dating charade with Kaden. Without it, she would've never gotten to know him and eventually, fall for him too. Second, the contest helped her realize just how badly she wanted to pursue a career in writing professionally. Writing  stories intended for only her eyes was one thing, but sharing it with a broader audience was another. She couldn't believe that she'd been holding back from sharing her work for so long. Skylar knew that from then on, she wanted to share her stories with the world. And it didn't even have to be anything huge. She was considering posting some of her past work on online forums and writing sites, and sharing with the people closest to her. Kaden for one, but also Aaron. 

"Sky" Kaden said slowly. "How you feeling?"

"I feel...I feel good. Great, even." Everybody seemed to let out a collective breath. 

Kaden threw his arm around her and kissed her cheek. "You gave it your best shot. Doesn't make your writing any less amazing."

"Thank you." She took a deep breath and faced her family again. "While we're all here, I did want to make an announcement."

Everybody shifted once more. She noticed her mother and Aaron sharing a glance. Ms. Lin placed a palm over his knee. "Go ahead" she said.

"I um, I decided that next year, I'm going to apply for early admission to UBC's creative writing program."

Aaron shot her a proud smile. Kaden squeezed her tighter. Ben couldn't seem to care less, and Lena climbed into her sister's lap, throwing her arms around Skylar's neck. Their po-po was asking for a translation, and Ms. Lin muttered in Cantonese, "Your granddaughter wants to study writing in college."

Po-po clapped and threw Skylar a thumbs up. Skylar however, was looking at one person only. The only person whose validation she was really craving. Ms. Lin rubbed her baby belly and took a deep breath. "If you're happy, I'm happy. And I know your father would be very proud to watch you following your dreams." 

Ms. Lin flashed her daughter something that Skylar hadn't seen in a long time. A prideful smile. One that said she would love her daughter unconditionally.

Skylar went to go kiss her mother's belly, certain that her new brother or sister would grow up with an entire entourage of loving family members. And for the first time, she was looking forward to meeting her new sibling. 

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