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The next day was our lore stream. Well, my lore stream. Everyone who was going to be in the stream were in a call talking about an order of things.

"You all ready?" Clay asked.

"Yep! I'm super excited to be introduced to the server!" I exclaimed. We decided that I would go off on my own for a while into something deep uncharted forest and build a house. Nobody would know that I was on the server till Wilbur would pop out.


"As I'll ever be."


"Chat!!! Hello! Welcome to the stream! We are just going to be working on a survival world today." I exclaimed. My face cam was on. Wilbur and I had placed a curtain in between his desk and my desk so we could have a little privacy during streams. I had pulled it closed so nobody would see him on the other side.

"Oh! We spawned in a dark oak forest!" I said enthusiastically knowing I didn't spawn there. I had joined the server a bit before streaming and had Clay teleport me to the middle of the forest.

"Alright chat! Let's start making a house." I started chopping wood and getting tools. I found a cave that went pretty deep and got Iron tools pretty quickly. Soon after started the construction of the house. The house was small and quaint. I had a trapped a few cows, sheep and chickens.  After about half an hour of working on the house i decided to go exploring.

"Right chat. Let's go find a village to see if we can find some carrots and bells." We had been running around the forest when we finally found a village. My character looked around for a while raiding as much as we could before starting my character arc. Usually when I play Minecraft, I move into the villages I find.

"Hmmm. Chat. I think we should change things up a bit. What do you think?" Lots of people in the chat were confused on what I was doing. I placed a crafting table down then created a flint and steel. I walked up to the largest house I could and lit it on fire. "BURN!" I yelled. That was Wilbur's cue to come out of the shadows. He hadn't made himself known to me yet but was out enough for chat to see.  My chat filled with arson comments and telling me that they spotted Wilbur. A few minutes later after a good portion of the village was gone, my character 'spotted' Wilbur.

(I'm going to do this part in the Pov of (y/n)s mc character.)

I took my bow off my shoulder and nocked an arrow on it.

"Who are you?" I yelled over the smoke and crackling of the fire. The man raised his arms in surrender.

"Nobody of harm sweetheart." The man spoke, slowly stepping out of the trees.

"Don't call me that. Now. Who are you? I don't want to ask again." I pulled the arrow back getting ready to let it fly.

"I'm Revivbur. What's your name love?" He spoke slowly lowering his hands.

"I'm (y/n)." I replied slowly lowering my bow.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing near a burning village?" Revivbur asked.

"What are you doing near a burning village?" I retorted.

"Just seeing what all the fuss was about. I just live the smell of fire."

"Well that's something we have in common." I smiled.

After a few seconds of staring at each other, a loud screech of a bird knocked us both out of our unofficial staring contest. I looked around spotting a large bird in a near by tree. She screeched again to which I nodded to.

"That's my cue to leave. Till we meet again." I then threw an ender pearl as far as I could, disappearing into a cloud of purple.

I landed on a small beach a long distance from my house. I threw the pearl in the opposite direction of my house to hide my home from the strange man.

Looking around I found a small heard if wild horses.

"Any if you mind giving me a ride?" I asked. One of the horses came over and sniffed my hand before rubbing its nose on it. I gave him a pat in the nose before hopping in his back and riding into the distance with the whole heard following behind.

We had arrived back at the house about an hour later. I filled a trough with water and spread plenty of hay and oats down for the horses to eat, then headed inside.

I lit a few torches on the walls before heading over to the kitchen to cook bread and scrambled eggs for dinner. Soon after I laid in bed for a good nights rest.


"That's the end of the stream everyone!" I exclaimed happily. I clapped my hands together smiling widely. The curtain behind me opened showing Wilbur in all his glory.

"CHAT!" He yelled. "Let's give it up for the newest member of the Dream SMP!" The chat filled with lots and lots of excitement. I couldn't even read one comment with how fast it was moving.

"All right. That's enough for today. We will see you all in the next one! Bye!" I raided a small streamer before logging off.

I blew out a breath of air. "I hope that went as well as I thought it did."

"It went better darling." Wilbur wrapped his arms around my shoulders nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

"It's 9pm. We should get some food then go to bed. We have to start those costumes tomorrow." I mumbled while running my hand through his hair. He sighed and nodded before placing a kiss at the nape of my neck.

We both left our position and headed to the kitchen where we made bowls of cereal to eat. I turned around for one second then had a dog and two cats staring at me from the couch. I walked over and gave each a scratch and a kiss on the head before eating my cereal then going to bed.

Do you love me? (Wilbur soot x fem reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora