Chapter 2

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"Her uterus isn't contracting properly," I said.

"Shit," Clay muttered. "Is she gonna need a C-Section?"

"Not if I can avoid it."

"Gonna give her some oxytocin?"


I prepared the injection and administered it to the old girl. Her age was the problem with this labour.

"This is her last calf, Clay," I ordered.

"I know, Ethan. Dad said the same thing." He studied me thoughtfully, chewing on a piece of hay while he worked up the nerve to say something he knew I wasn't going to like.

I'd known Clay Cartwright my entire life. Our mothers were pregnant at the same time. We were born a few hours apart, and we'd been best friends from the time we could roll over and play together.

"No," I stated firmly.

"You don't even know what I was gonna say," he grumbled.

"Yes, I do," I sighed while I checked the cows vital signs, giving her a reassuring rub on the head. "Everything is gonna be just fine, Diana. We'll have your calf out in no time."

"I think it would be good for you, Ethan."

"I don't want to go to our high school reunion. End of discussion."

"Why not?"

"I think why is the better question."

"Because it's our twenty-year reunion. We'll never have another one."

"Oh well," I mumbled, massaging the cow's belly to see if there was any sign of contractions.

"Ethan, it's been a year," he said softly. "It's okay to date. Lisa would want that for you."

"I'm not interested. I just wanna focus on the girls right now. They need me. All of me. I don't have anything to give to a relationship."

"Just come to the reunion. Please?"

"Why do you want me to go so bad?"

"Because it wouldn't be the same without you, Ethan," he pleaded. "We're staying at the hotel down the street from the school. It'll be fun. We can tie one on, reminisce about old times, and then stumble back to the hotel. Cami will spend the night with the girls."

"What about Dani? Maybe she doesn't want me tagging along."

"It's not her reunion," he said.

"That is true," I chuckled. "Her twenty-year reunion isn't for what? Twelve years?"

"Thirteen," he mumbled.

I shook my head.

"I'm telling you, Ethan," he said. "There's some definite perks to having a younger woman."

"If Dani makes you happy, then that's all that really matters."

"I got two words for you, Ethan," he whispered, draping his arm over my shoulder. "Tight pussy."

"Not interested."

"Just come to the reunion."

"I highly doubt there will be any tight pussy there."

"I thought you weren't interested."

"I'm not."

"If you don't agree to come to the reunion, I'm gonna tell your ma."

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