Chapter 9

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Sasuke realized pretty fast that those two weren't planning on moving. He jumped over them and landed on his feet behind them. He deactivated his chidori and walked back over to them.

He saw the fear in their eyes, a look he'd seen many times on others faces but not theirs.
Sasuke just looked at them, he stared deep into their fearful eyes. He closed his eyes tightly and looked away.

Sarada snapped out of it first, her dark onyx eyes filled with tears and she ran off back inside the house. Boruto's ocean eyes calmed, when he saw Sasuke avoiding his gaze he quickly ran off too.

Sasuke stood still with his fists clenched, his body was shaking his teeth were grinding against each other. He growled and slammed his first against the ground. He was seething with rage.

"DAMN IT!!!" He screamed

This rage wasn't at his daughter or his student but at himself and all of his past actions. He regretted not just telling Sarada the truth. Instead she did something he never expected. Going back in time, seeing some of the most awful things he'd done. The horrible things he said to her and to Sakura. The final battle between him and Naruto, her having to see them so beaten and broken like that.

Sasuke continued to hit the ground, of course he could never destroy the ground like his wife.

"Sasuke!!" A familiar voice said

It was Sakura, there she stood with her emarald eyes widened. Worry was all over her face.

Even Naruto showed up behind her, he had a similar expression only of course he knew what had taken place.

"S-Sasuke. What the hell is going on!?" Sakura asked as she slowly bent down next to her husband.

"I-it's..nothing...don't worry about it." He said as he calmed down

"Don't worry!? Sasuke!! Our daughter ran into the house crying while you're out here screaming and hitting the ground. You expect me NOT to worry!? Tell me what's going on!!" Sakura demanded

"Sakura." Naruto said

Sakura turned towards him

"You know too huh?? Of course! You're keeping me out of the loop again! I think I have a right to know! She's MY daughter too!! Does Hinata know what's happening with her son??" Sakura asked

Naruto shook his head

"'s not that simple..." Naruto tried to explain

Sakura quickly punched Naruto in the gut and he landed on the ground.

"What is it Sasuke? You think I can't handle this or something!? I handled the pain of you being gone for YEARS!! I never gave up because I knew you'd come back. I also had to handle Sarada's pain as she cried in my arms every night for years asking constantly for you. I told her over and over again that you were on an important mission for the village." Sakura said now more furious then she was before.

"That's just it Sakura, I don't want to see you in more pain. It's not about you not being able to handle it. I can't handle it, seeing you and Sarada cry has broken me in so many ways that you may not understand. Especially now." Sasuke explained

Sakura's eyes widened

"S-Sasuke..." she said softly

"If you really want to know then ok." Sasuke said

He looked into her eyes and activated his Sharingan, he gave Sakura the memories of Boruto and Sarada being involved in the war and before when they met them as teens.

Sakura looked at Sasuke

"How did this even happen?" She asked

"Boruto told me they used that turtle that can time travel. The one from the Otsutsuki clan. It needs a large amount of chakra to operate. I guess he had taken some from me with Urashiki's hook while I was sleeping." Naruto explained

Sakura punched Naruto again

"Stop hitting me!!! Hit Sasuke instead!!" Naruto yelled

"I can't hit Sasuke!! I would never hit him he.....he's....ughhhhh!!" Sakura groaned before standing up to go comfort her daughter.

Sasuke and Naruto both sighed

"Maybe you should go talk to her too." Naruto suggested

"Not now." Sasuke said

Naruto put a hand on Sasuke's shoulder then left to talk to his son.

Sasuke vanished, he went to a secluded spot with a waterfall on the outskirts of the village. He needed to be alone for awhile so he could think some stuff over. His thoughts were all over the place.


After talking with his father Boruto decided to talk to Sasuke and Sarada decided to talk to Naruto after talking with Sakura. It took sometime but the blonde finally found his master.

"S-Sasuke sensei..." Boruto said a bit hesitantly

Sasuke glanced over at his student

"So you found me huh?" He asked

Boruto walked over and sat next to him

"Well your chakra is pretty big so it didn't take long.." the blonde said with a slight smirk

"Boruto, I'm sorry." Sasuke said

"You don't have to apologize sensei...I should be apologizing to you...and to Sarada...I shouldn't have messed with that turtle thing in the first place. Although it was really cool seeing you and my dad fighting together when you were younger!" Boruto said

"You shouldn't have been exposed to that brother experienced war when he was much younger than you." Sasuke said as he looked at his reflection in the water below him.

"Really? Sarada...well she told me...that you...killed your brother?" Boruto asked

Sasuke sighed

"Yeah...I did..." he responded

"Ya know Sasuke sensei...seeing you like that was kinda scary but...I'm really happy that my dad never stopped trying to save you. I think you're awesome! Sarada does too. It might take some time for us to get through this but, you're still the coolest Shinobi in my book." The blonde said with his signature grin.

Sasuke smirked and patted the boys head

"Thanks Boruto." He said

"Oh...what made you get the prosthetic arm?" Boruto asked

"Honestly, I don't really know." Sasuke said

"Oh." Boruto huffed thinking it would be some really cool answer.

"You were expecting a cooler answer weren't you?" Sasuke asked as he stood up

"Yeah, maybe a little." Boruto said as he got up too.

Sasuke chuckled and the two went back to the village.

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