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From expressionless to frowning, in general, Ning Jiu has made considerable progress.

Xie Yan chuckled: "Why not?"

Wang Qiang is also quite innocent, why can't Mr. Xie teach him attack skills? Does he really want to improve his abilities?

 The room was silent, and Ning Jiu met Xie Yan's calm gaze. He didn't know how to answer for a while, and he didn't understand what was wrong with him. Anyway, when he heard the young man say to let Wang Qiang go to the room, he felt quite uncomfortable and objected. The words blurted out.

"Boss!" Ye Zhe's sudden arrival broke the silence, "Commander is looking for you."

 Ning Jiu faced Xie Yan and moved his lips, but in the end he didn't say anything. expression out of the house.

 After listening to the report on this mission, Ning Yuan became a little interested in Xie Yan. After seeing Ning Jiu coming over, he said, "You have a good eye. I thought you were really interested in men, but I didn't expect you to be a powerful character."

Ning Jiu understood what he meant. Although it was contrary to his own, he didn't intend to explain it. He just sat upright on the chair with no expression on his face.

"You really did a good job in excavating such a talent," Ning Yuan brushed off the extremely scarce cigarettes in the end times, "I can give you..."

"No," Ning Jiu got up, "If there is nothing else, I will go back first. ."

Ning Yuan crushed the smoke, "Ning Jiu, is this your attitude?" After all, he has been a high-ranking person for so many years, and the momentum is quite scary when he comes up.

But Ning Jiu didn't seem to notice, and turned around and walked out.

"I think he is very suitable for participating in the genetic modification program..."

Ning Jiu suddenly turned to look at him, his eyes were like bloody sharp blades, as if the one sitting in front of him was not his father, but an enemy who should be killed.

Ning Yuan suddenly smiled, he got up and walked slowly to Ning Jiu, as if to appreciate his anger, "It seems that your transformation is not thorough enough, are you angry? Because of Xie Yan? He became your weakness?"

All the emotions were taken away in an instant, and Ning Jiu instantly turned into an emotionless robot. He looked at Ning Yuan and said, "As you can see, the transformation plan is not perfect."

Then don't Add more people into this.

Ning Jiu's subtext Ning Yuan understood, but Ning Jiu, who was only ten years old at the time, insisted on the experiment and became the first successful genetically modified person, thus becoming the incomparable powerhouse, presumably with Xie Yan's ability, If he can also stick to the past, he must be more expected than Ning Jiu for his growth.

"Bring him to see me." Ning Yuan ordered without question.

Ning Jiu was silent for a long time, without the slightest tendency to obey orders, Ning Yuan sneered, and ordered several guards behind him: "Go and invite Xie Yan."

These guards are all genetic warriors trained by Ning Yuan, and they will go after hearing this. With Xie Yan tied up, Ning Jiu didn't even think about it, the dark-type power was instant, trying to stop a few genetic warriors. But how could it be the same generation Yi Yi who can serve as a guard for Ning Yuan? Although the power level of several people is not as good as Ning Jiu, but under the siege, they still quickly broke through. 

Ning Yuan clapped his hands, and a thin needle pierced the back of Ning Jiu's neck. Ning Jiu then tried his best to break free from several guards and staggered out of the house.

Ning Yuan laughed, but within a second, Ning Jiu suddenly fell to the ground, with blue veins on his forehead, stared at Ning Yuan, grabbed the threshold with both hands, and crawled out the door. Ning Yuan approached him, stretched his feet to lift him, and said condescendingly, "It's a pity that he has so much influence on you." He said, signaling the guards to bring Xie Yan over.

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