Chapter 11: Hermes and the Watch

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(Y/n) felt solid ground under his feet as the AVT office emerged from the darkness.

"(Y/n)!" Ron's voice called, rushing to his side.

"Draco! Where is he? Is he alright?" (Y/n) gasped getting to his feet, the prosthetic eye still clutched in his hand.

"Malfoy? He got back a while ago, we were worried about you." Ron explained to him.

"Good good." (Y/n) said looking around. "Look I need to talk with Harry, is he free?"

"Uh I think so." Ron said as (Y/n) nodded hurrying to the exit.

"Patters tell Draco to meet me in Potter's office as soon as he can." (Y/n) said to a passing man who nodded. "Come on then Ron." He added to the dumbfounded redhead who hadn't moved yet.

"Harry!" (Y/n) cried pushing open the door to his office.

"(Y/n)? Ron?" Harry asked confused look up from his paperwork. "How's the planning going?"

"Planning?" (Y/n) asked.

"For the undercover mission, you said it would be happening soon."

"Just got back from that." (Y/n) told him. "Don't worry we're both alive... just. Anyway we learnt a lot from it."

"(Y/n)!" Draco called slightly out of breath as he too ran into the office. "Thank Merlin you're alive."

"What happened?" Harry asked looking between the three of them.


Harry looked concerned as (Y/n) and Draco finished explaining what had happened.

"So they've got inferi then?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"And at least some dementors." (Y/n) explained to him. "And they're planning for more members, they had a room full of wands and a room full of masks."

"And they're using people as information storage?" Harry asked sounding more and more concerned.

"Yeah they're using him like some sort of human pensive." (Y/n) said.

"And Paulliv was in on this as well?" Harry asked surprised.

"Yeah he was, and he wasn't under the imperious curse because..." (Y/n) trailed off not wanting to admit he had illegally used the imperious curse.

Harry seems to pick up in this nodding before changing the topic. "And did you figure out what they're planning?" Harry asked them, looking over the notes he had been taking.

"No sadly we didn't." Draco said.

"Well not exactly." (Y/n) added causing them all to look over at him. "Well it's just something The Watcher said when I took this."

He placed the prosthetic eye, with the purple iris onto the table. "When I pulled off his mask and saw he had two of these he told me he had given his body for the resurrection of his lord."

The others looked at him shocked. "You don't think he meant that literally do you?" Ron asked.

"I dunno, it's possible they're trying to build a new body, or a vessel for Voldemort." (Y/n) thought out loud.

"But he's gone, there's nothing left of him!" Harry said, and (Y/n) could hear a hint of fear in his voice. "We've got to stop this... and soon. I'll talk to Kingsley about this."

Harry got up from his desk rushing to the door. "And you two." He said pointing at Draco and (Y/n). "Take the rest of the day off, you deserve it!" And with that he was gone.

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