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It was around five am, when Niko woke up and went down to the living room

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It was around five am, when Niko woke up and went down to the living room. She woke up at the same time everyday and usually had a fairly consistent routine. Usually she would eat breakfast at eight, but with the Volturi there she mainly wanted an excuse to not have to talk. She cooked breakfast for her and Renesmee, eggs, bacon, toast. Neither of them were big fans of pancakes unless they had fruit or chocolate mixed in. And currently they were out of both.

Flipping through the sketchbook, Niko sat with her legs crossed on the couch. She would occasionally take a bite out a piece of bacon or toast. 

It was uncomfortably quiet. And Niko could feel a few people staring at her.

Glancing up to the blonde man sitting across from her, Niko swallowed the bacon in her mouth. He was just one of the people staring at her but she didn't like it when combined with how close he was. Though he was incredibly attractive. "I know i'm cute but at least say something if you're going to stare at me."

Looking back down to the sketchbook, she stopped flipping through pages when she saw the unfinished portrait. It was most of Didyme's face, some of the finer details just hadn't been done yet. That was one she shouldn't let anyone see. Going to the next page, she grabbed her pencils as she stared at the half done portrait of Stacy. She did a lot of portraits. "My apologies."

Niko nodded at his words. In a way his behavior was reminding her of Marcus' the other day. She did find it more than slightly confusing.

Staring at the portrait, Niko decided now was the best time of any to say it. "I have a friend coming over. She's staying for a few days." Niko was ready for the questions, refusal, or disbelief that she even had friends. 

"Maybe we should talk about this-" "No thanks Carlisle. I only said it to be polite." Niko smiled slightly. She knew it was rude but she didn't particularly care. 

Bella stared at her sister in disbelief. "What is going on with you? You've been acting so... weird lately. And now you say you have a 'friend' coming over-" "Yes, despite popular belief I am capable of having such a thing." Looking up to her sister, Niko stared blankly at her. They never had the best relationship.

Really, Niko was just anxious. Waiting for Stacy. It was a miracle she wasn't straight up bouncing in her seat.

The kings were annoyed with Bella, yes, but they also knew it was highly likely it wasn't just 'a friend'. Marcus already filled them in. Renata was practically working overtime shielding their minds. They liked to keep their private things private.

Smiling to herself, Niko looked down to her sketchbook again. She could feel Didyme behind her, the elder woman's hand just above her shoulder. If she could, Didyme would've punched Bella until she landed in England. "Why don't we talk about this later, you tell your friend just to wait a bit and-" "Isabella I will punch you in the face."

Niko had her fist clenched, and she didn't dare look up when she spoke. She rarely got truly, truly angry. But with Stacy so close... She could handle it when she was continent away, that much distance numbed the pain. But now it was like her heart was trying to rip itself out of her chest to find Stacy. "What it going on with you!?"

Setting the sketchbook down beside her, Niko took a deep breath. "My friend is coming over. I don't care what you think of me. I just want you to treat her... How you treat your husband. How 'bout that?" The kings could tell how upset she was. And it really did break their hearts. It also made them angry aswell.

Letting out a breath, Niko stood up. Smoothing out her dress, she kept her eyes on the ground. "Niko i'm just worried! You mention this person for the first and-" "No. Don't go there."

Niko walked towards Bella. No one in the house had ever seen her that angry for a reason. It was why she didnt tell them about Stacy before. "Niko-"

Balling up her fist, Niko felt cold as Didyme wrapped her hand around her fist. With their hands connected. Niko pulled hers back.

And she hit Bella with everything she had. Cracks covered her face, Niko could only just barely see them before she turned her back.

Didyme released her hand and Niko stretched it out flat. "Oh my god!"

And then. She spit. On Bella. As a final insult.

Before Niko could even turn someone was in front of her. They were examining her hand, looking for any injury. Though there wasn't any.

She figured it had to have been Aro. He was one of the few that wasn't frozen in shock. "Told you I would." Pulling her hand away, Niko returned to the couch, sitting down much calmer than before.

Bella looked toward her sister as the cracks stretching across her face fully healed. Everyone was staring at Niko. It was because she punched Bella but more so because her bones hadn't been broken to dust. For a human that was impossible.

That was what finally made them believe she was more than that. And if she could punch a vampire like that.. Maybe what they thought they knew about her 'hallucinations' was entirely wrong. But a few of them, regrettably Aro included, thought it meant she was supernatural and had hallucinations.


Eventually Niko did fall asleep, on the couch. It gave everyone a chance to talk. Though only for a short while. "Its not possible!"

At the sound of yelling, mixed with the sound of a car, Niko began to wake. "Stacy?" She was barely awake but she stood up. Everyone stopped talking.

Niko yawned as she did a mix of a stumble and a run towards the door. Before she even reached it, she saw the door break into pieces. Splinters of wood went everywhere, though none hit Niko. 

Stacy stepped over the broken wood while Niko stared at her with the biggest smile.

Within a second Niko's back was against the wall as Stacy kissed her. Niko pulled herself closer as she wrapped her arms around Stacy's neck.

"Oh my-" Renesmee covered her eyes. While everyone else stared at the two in a mix of shock and... For Emmett respect.

It was alot of news at once. For starters, Niko was in a relationship. With a vampire. Which meant she had to have known- 

"It's so good to really see you again." Stacy spoke with a wide smile as she pulled away from Niko. 

The kings... found it... Oddly hot. Caius especially.


Lol this draft has been sitting here for months and I haven't done anything with it

I decided to just leave it as it is, (add the spitting part) and then just post it

Emmett: that's my fucking GIRL YEAH

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