Chapter 31

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Janes POV

I smiled at Peter as he poured more tea into my cup, leaning my head back as I sat in the garden, soaking up the sunlight I missed so much while trapped in that concrete hell. "Lovely day today. I quite missed our afternoon tea dates, didn't you?" I questioned my husband who was sat across the table from me. He smiled, the sweet warm smile that I loved so much. "Yes darling, I'm so glad to finally have you back." His voice sounded so genuine, like being away from me had been trying. This made me blush.

"I was thinking we could head down to the markets today, maybe take a walk and see what we can find. The fresh air would be good for you don't you think?" Peter smiled, nodding in my direction hopefully. He had been trying for a few days now to get me out of the house, but if I was being honest I was afraid. Being home was one thing but I hadn't been out to the markets in ages, or out anywhere for that matter.

"I think we could try, I'm just... nervous to go out." I nodded sheepishly, embarrassed that I was so afraid of something so normal. Something that people do every day of there lives. Peter shot me an understand look and a sympathetic nod. "I know my love. But I'll be by your side every minute of the day. There's no reason to be afraid." He reached his hand across the table setting it on top of my own. His warm touch comforted me, And I couldn't help but smile.

Suddenly the sound of the telephone ringing echoed through the house and into the garden, the sound making me jump. I still wasn't quite used to hearing it again. "I'll be right back, love." Peter spoke, pushing himself up out of his chair and heading towards the yellow wall phone. I only nodded in reply, bringing my teacup to my mouth and taking a sip.

"This is Peter Moore how may I help you?" He spoke into the telephone, pausing as he listened to what the person on the other line said. I couldn't hear him well being as the phone was all the way in the kitchen but I assumed it was just the doctor calling again as they did so many times a day. "She is? What happened? Is she alright?" Was the next thing I heard him say. I was confused by this, who could he possibly be speaking to?

There was a long moment of silence before he spoke again. "As long as she is ok. Yes that would be alright." Another long pause.

"Thank you for contacting me about the matter. I appreciate the communication."

"Yes thank you. You have a nice day as well ma'am."

The sound of the telephone being set back onto the receiver entered my ears and I patiently waited for Peter to return to the table. As he did I could see a worried almost panicked look on his face despite his fake smile trying to hide it. "Who was it darling? Anything important?" I asked, reaching out to touch him, rubbing my thumb against his arm in an attempt to comfort him.

"Just some news about.. a relative. She had to be treated at hospital." He replied shaking his head, his gaze locked on his tea cup as he spoke. "Oh no! Well is she alright? Who is it?" I pushed, hoping for more information, the distraught behavior from my husband making me think it might have been his mother or something. 

He quickly changed his expression, realizing how worried I had become from his news. "No no, don't worry darling. Just a relative living in the states, I doubt your remember her. She's alright, just a few stitches to fix her up and she'll be on her way." He quickly reassured me, his warm hand reaching up to caress my face. I nuzzled into his touch, the touch I missed so very much.  I only nodded in reply, I didn't want to force more information out of him seeing as the phone call already seemed to have him quite stressed.

"How about you run upstairs and get yourself ready to head into town, yeah?" Peter questioned hesitantly as if he wasn't sure of what my response would be. After a moment of thinking I nodded my head. One time at the markets wasn't going to get, and he'll maybe it would be nice to get out of the house, see other people. A large smile spread over his kind face. "Wonderful. I'll get the car ready while you finish up and meet you outside" he said excitedly, already heading off towards the garage. I giggled at his enthusiasm.

I stood making my way inside the house and up the stairs, pushing open the door to my and Peters shared bedroom. I walked into the closet, seeing that everything I had left was in the same place as I remembered. My shoes, my hats, my dresses, all exactly where I left them.

Smiling I grabbed a pair of shoes and slipped them on quickly, not wanting to keep Peter waiting long. I also grabbed a bag and a sun hat before I was satisfied and set it gently on my head before heading out of the wardrobe. I rested my hand against the railing as I made my way down the staircase. Peter stood in the living room patiently waiting. He beamed as he saw me, his cheeks turning ever so slightly red.

"You looking gorgeous, love." He spoke, reaching his hand out for me to take. He lifted my hand above my head, his other meeting my waist as I was spun in a circle so that he could look at me. A soft kiss on the four head made my face go hot, his touch still making me feel flustered as I had been waiting so long to feel it again.

"Just as beautiful as the day I first met you."

Authors note!
Hey y'all sorry it took me so long to post I've been making sure to soak up all the baby snuggles I can get! Bean is a month old now and almost 10 pounds 😭 He loves to be held and kisses and he's just perfect! Couldn't post without an update picture! Thank you to everyone who's still reading and I'll post again soon! Love y'all ❤️

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