Law 35: Master the Art of Timing

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Never be in a hurry. Find the right time to act, by taking advantage of the trends which will carry you into power.

Application –

There are Three Kinds of time:

Long Time - This applies to when you feel impatient for something to happen. But acting too quickly before you are ready will not yield the right results. And because hurrying causes mistakes. Examples include when adolescents try to act older than they are, or when someone is running late and drives like a maniac.

Forced Time - Control time for your opponents. Make them wait, or slow them down while you buy yourself time. Otherwise, set their deadlines to force them to act. Ever bid on an auction? Or have to book something so far in advance because of limited ability? These are small ways in which we experience forced time in our daily lives.

End Time - When the time is right, strike without hesitation. It's also knowing when to cross the finish line, for when you've worked hard at something over time. For example, working hard to prove yourself at work and making sure to ask for a promotion when the opportunity arises.

Lessons I've Learned About Time –

There is such a thing as too much too soon. In high school, I once confided in a friend that I had a crush on someone. She turned around and told him right in front of me. The early admission made it so awkward that we never spoke again. In adulthood, I still see people professing their love too soon and scaring the other person away.

Time of the day matters. When pulling those late nights at work, I inevitably make more mistakes, which then take me time to correct the next day. In the morning, I have fresh eyes and better focus.

Dig the well before you become thirsty. Build relationships and goodwill with people; in general and not just when you need something. If you do need something in the future, people are much more likely to help.

This too shall pass. A reminder during tough times.

The present is precious. It can be easy to fixate on the past or future. 

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