Teaser 3

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Jackie Reagan cleared her throat as she tried not to let the pressure off everything weight on her shoulders,  "Good day my fellow Americans. As you heard from my non-magical counterpart, magic is real and yes we have been hiding in plain sight."  Taking a small breath to collect her thoughts she marched on,  "the reason for our need to hide from our fellow non-magical Americans is because of a law which was written up by the Europeans called the statute of secrecy, a law which if broken could have dire results."  The faces worn by those present gave Jackie a clear picture that their thoughts were anything from pure fear to outright anger, shaking her head slightly she raised her voice,  "but no more I say! Thanks to the portals appearing we as Americans can finally say NO MORE! To those stuffy Europeans! Because WE! ARE! AMERICANS!"  Soon as those words left her mouth the spirits began to rise, so going for the kill Jackie pressed on,  "it doesn't matter if you are white, black, christen, jew, gentile, have magic, or don't have magic! WE ARE ALL AMERICANS! And no one is gonna tell us differently!"  'Is this how you felt when you spoke to the American people grandpa? Cause it feels pretty energizing.'  Jackie thought as she rounded out.  "So as the President of these Magical United States, I will do everything within my power to work alongside my counterpart to unite our two worlds, as is my duty to those who elected me to this office. By the people! For the people! and OF THE PEOPLE! SO HELP ME GOD!"

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