Chapter 8

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The next morning I drove off to the police station with worry in the back of my mind.
I knew I was innocent but the police didn't, if I made one small mistake I could be deemed a murderer for the rest of my life. How was I going to prove my innocence if I was one of the only people both close to the victim, alive, and at the party? Though, if that were the case then I'm sure Melissa and Mary would be suspects too. 

Once I had gotten to the station I was brought into a quiet room with the same officer I spoke to the night before.

"Good morning, Y/n. How are you?"

"I'm fine." I said nervously.

"Right, I'll just get straight to business then. You were close to the victim, yes?"

"Well, not really. I've known him for a couple years but we were never close."

"But you went to the party with him?"

"I mean, yeah, but so did Melissa and.. Mary." 

"Have you guys found her yet?" I continued. 

"No, but we will." he assured me.

"Do you have any idea where she might be" He asked.

"No, do you?" I asked back.


"But.. if anyone were to know where Mary was.. it would be Melissa." I said.

"Why do you say that?" 

"They were close."


"They are close." 

While half of me already suspected Mary to be dead, the other half hoped she wasn't. 
Between Melissa, Chris, and Mary, she's the only one I actually cared about. She's kind and out of the three, Mary was the only one who deserved to live. No, out of the four of us, Mary is the only one who deserves to live. 

"Melissa mentioned something about a fight you and the victim had. Would you mind telling me what it was about?"

"We had a disagreement. Not a fight."

"Fine, what was this disagreement about?" 

"I don't remember." I lied.

"Would the name Michael Myers jog your memory?"

"Should it?"

"You two were childhood friends, don't tell me you've forgotten about him."

"How do you know that?" 

"I understand all of you were childhood friends. You, Michael, Melissa, Mary and Chris." he said, ignoring my question.

"And your point is?"

"Why aren't you close to any of them?" he said, once again, ignoring my question.

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do."

"They're entitled and selfish. Is that what you want me to say?"

"Is it what you believe?"

"What if it was?"

"Well, it wouldn't be completely out of the ordinary for you and Michael to want to murder these 'entitled and selfish' people, would it?" 

"You forgot the part where I haven't seen Michael in over 15 years. Do you honestly think he even remembers any of us?"

"Do you honestly think him killing Chris was purely coincidental?"

"You don't know that it was Michael. It could have been anyone."

"Right, Melissa mentioned how you continuously defended Michaels actions."

"Oh, yeah? And what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?!"

"He's been proven guilty of murder! Would it shock you to find out he did it again?!"

He sighed,
"Listen, we're just going further down the rabbit hole as we speak, I just need to know all that you do." 

"And I've told you.. I know nothing." I said.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"I am."

"If I find out you're lying-"

"Then what? You'll arrest me?" I interrupted.

"That all depends on what you're lying about." 

"I'm not lying about anything."

"Good. You're free to go then."

"I am?"

"Unless you have anything else to tell me I'm done with you. Do you have anything else to tell me?" 

"No." I gulped.

After the questioning was done I went to the video store.

I was there by myself, Melissa was supposed to be there today, as was Mary, but I'm sure they weren't due to obvious reasons.

At the video store there were hardly any customers.
Though I'm sure this was because most of the people in Haddonfield were too afraid to step out of their homes after what happened.
The people who did come to the video store were probably in desperate need of comfort after everything.
As for the people who continued on with their lives, well, I shouldn't have to explain why they do so.
Most people are either used to it or don't care enough. They truly believe they're somehow immune to the whole thing because they've never been targeted.
The only people who are ever targeted are rich people, these guys are the most interesting of all. They find their comfort in money. Though what they don't realize is that money is the exact opposite of comfort, it's their enemy, the only reason why they're ever targeted.
The only way to ever survive a murderer is to be poor and unnoticeable.
In this case however, Michael Myers doesn't target rich people. He targets whoever he wants. Because for whatever reason, it  appears to be his comfort. 

During the ending of my shift I had a couple customers to help and soon they all left.
The store was only open for about five more minutes and I decided no one would mind if I locked up earlier. I was about to do so until I saw the familiar man again and walked over to him. 

"Do you plan on buying anything today?" I asked the man with a hint of annoyance in my voice..

No response.

"Would you like any recommendations?" 

No response.

"Listen man, we're closing soon and-"

Before I could say anything more the man started walking towards the door.

"Really?" I shouted.

I followed after the man and took his arm.
He turned back to look at me and the two of us stood there staring at each other.
I never realized how attractive the man was until now.

"Um.. I just wanted to know why you haven't bought anything. I mean- you don't have to.. it's just a bit weird." I said.

"I'm sorry. You don't have to answer that. I'm just in a bad mood today and I guess I took it out on you." I continued.

I let go of his arm and expected him to leave but he didn't.
He continued staring at me then started caressing my cheek.
I gasped at his touch and tried moving away but I couldn't. I didn't want to.
His touch felt amazing. His hands were warm and the way he stared at me made me feel loved. 
We stood there for what felt like hours until, 

"I'm sorry." was all he said before leaving me standing there in shock.

Halloween (Michael Myers x Reader) 18+Where stories live. Discover now