Chapter 2: The Three Ships

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International Waters, Hundreds of Miles East of the Kingdom of Reinburg

Griffith's Merchant Fleet

June 5, Dual Calendar Year 1589, 9:00 A.M.

Ever since a couple of days ago, these filthy pirates had raided our ships. I can barely hold my anger towards them, and I feel glad to have controlled my outrage during the remainder of the voyage to Reinburg. The monstrosity reaching from these pirates is abysmal on my crew. The stronger ones of my partners are put to more laborious work on the ship, while the weaker ones do the menial work. The grungy pirates just get to RELAX on my DAMN SHIPS.

Luckily, we hid Reinburg's Princess and her attendants from the pirates before they boarded. I have persuaded the pirates that we were going in the right direction and even fooled them with the faux navigation equipment that we've tampered with. Mutiny with the pirates isn't possible as they're constantly monitoring the crucial supplies of the ship, but they're getting more lax as the voyage goes on. A few days after I wrote this, the Reinburg navy should be knocking on my Fleet as I've contacted them with the magicomms on board. My crew has made plans to overthrow the fucktwats together with the Reinburg's navy.

Griffith Orryn finishes writing his last sentence in his diary as the pirates barged into his quarters. His body reflexes in fright and realizes that he was too far deep into writing that he never heard the rackety footsteps of the pirates outside his door.

"Griffith!" One of the two pirates shouted at him, "The captain requests you!"

Griffith freezes and then hastily walks toward the pirates, trying to not get them to look at his diary, with the feather pen still in the ink holder. He makes it to the door, and the pirate shoves him outside the quarters. "Move." The pirate instructed.

As the two pirates start escorting Griffith to the captain, one stops and notices Griffith is writing something. The pirate tells his partner, "Hey, I will be here for a while. Gonna catch you up later."

"Alright, don't take too long." His partner casually replies as he escorts Griffith. At that moment, Griffith's eyes went wide open.

"Shit." He thinks to himself. It felt like his essence has left his body.

He walks up the deck with the pirate behind him, unsure if the other pirate got ahold of his diary. Eventually, he made it to the captain on the quarter-deck. The captain's face is middle-aged, but it looks like he's been through many pirate raids with tons of scars over his muscular body.

"Ah... it's Griffith." The captain spoke.

"Wynfir Barrett..." Griffin voices under his breath.

The guard positions himself on the deck, overlooking the two. Wynfir walks up to Griffin, "So... what do you think about the position of our voyage?"

Griffin swallows, "Uh—We're around a couple of days away to our destination."

"Alright," Wynfir says as he walks around Griffin.

He stops and stares into Griffith's eyes, "But I don't remember it being this long!"

"Um—It's just that you boarded these ships further than usual. You see?"

Wynfir steps back, "A few more days. Got it?!"

"Y—Yes!" Griffith exclaims.

"Go. I don't want to see your darn fucking face anymore." Wynfir sits back at his simple wooden chair placed on the deck.

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